Concerns Over AI

A leading developer of Artificial Intelligence was fired and then rehired within a matter of days. One of the factors was his optimism about the future potential of A.I. Sam Altman wants to develop A.I. further, while admitting that he’s not entirely certain where it...

Missouri Abortion Exception Debate

Missouri is considering a constitutional amendment which would add a rape exception to the state’s ban on abortion. However, the amendment would also require reporting the crime to a hotline, but some are hesitant to support such a safeguard for privacy reasons. We...

“Authentic” is Word of the Year

Merriam-Webster’s 2023 word of the year is “authentic.” Editor Peter Sokolowski said, “We see in 2023 a crisis of authenticity. What we realize is that when we question authenticity, we value it even more.” People desire authenticity. That’s...

British Court Executes Injustice on Infant

Indi Gregory, an 8-month-old British girl, died after a court ordered doctors to remove life support. Her parents wanted to take her to Italy, which granted the baby citizenship in an effort to convince British judges to allow her to live. But British courts decided...

Ohio Legalizes Recreational Marijuana

Ohio recently became the 24th state to legalize the use of recreational marijuana. Kentucky only permits medical marijuana, but some are calling for our state to follow Ohio. The argument is that it will help bring in revenue. While legalizing recreational marijuana...

$2.2 Million for Domestic Violence Prevention in KY

Kentucky Lieutenant Governor Jacqueline Coleman announced over $2 million in new public funding aimed at addressing domestic violence. The money will fund training and programs for law enforcement and other service providers. Domestic violence is a tragedy, and the...

Mandatory Age Limits for Political Leaders?

Last Monday marked President Joe Biden’s 81st birthday. Biden is America’s oldest president ever, and he’s not alone; many of America’s highest elected officials are entering old age. And their signs of decline have led some to argue that there should be an age limit...

Happy Thanksgiving 2023

In 1621, the pilgrims celebrated the first Thanksgiving and thanked God for bringing them through a hard winter where half of them died. In 1787, President Washington issued a proclamation thanking God for allowing Americans to “peaceably establish a form of...

DNC Protests

Protests erupted outside the Democratic National Committee headquarters last week as 150 protestors called for a cease-fire between Israel and Hamas. They blocked every entrance and exit so that House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries and other Democrats would be forced...

Education Report for Kindergarten Readiness

We continue to learn new things about the effects that the COVID shut downs have had certain groups. This time it’s kindergartners. According to a new report by the Kentucky Youth Advocates, Kindergartners weren’t prepared to learn how to play together....

Indiana GOP Lawmakers Defund Kinsey Institute

Indiana lawmakers defunded the Kinsey Institute. This is big news because the Kinsey Institute, based out of Indiana University, did sex research that ushered in the sexual revolution of the 1960s. And what they did behind closed doors was morally reprehensible,...

Manchin Decides to Not Seek Re-election

Democratic United States Senator Joe Manchin of West Virginia announced that he will not seek re-election. This is significant because Manchin is a centrist who often sides with principle over his party. This led to conflict between him and with progressive party...

Anti-semitism on College Campuses

Students at UCLA gathered around a piñata of Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and took turns beating it with a stick, yelling, “Free, free Palestine.” One shouted and expletive “beat that ….. Jew”. It’s not an isolated case, as...

Beshear Calls on Legislature to include rape exceptions

Gov. Andy Beshear didn’t take long after his reelection to continue campaigning for his pro-abortion policies. At a press conference last Wednesday, he called Kentucky’s abortion ban “the most extreme,” and called upon the legislature to implement exceptions of rape...

Abortion Rights Enshrined in Ohio Constitution

Ohio voters enshrined the right to abortion in their state constitution. The amendment overturns a ban on abortions once a heartbeat is detected. It even goes so far as to allow for an abortion at any stage of the pregnancy, even if the unborn child is viable....

Pray for Our Leaders

Kentuckians voted in Andy Beshear for another four years as governor of the state. It was a hard fought race which leaves Kentucky deeply divided, largely between rural and urban. Beshear won 29 counties, while Cameron won 91. There’s a temptation to be bitter...

2023 Veterans Day

Today is the observance of Veteran’s Day. It was originally known as Armistice Day which marked the silencing of the guns of WWI on November 11, 1918. Now we honor all our veterans who’ve ever served in our armed forces. National defense may be something...

Do Far Left Values Make Kentucky More Attractive?

The interim CEO of the Louisville Urban League (Lyndon Pryor) said anti-DEI rhetoric makes Kentucky a less attractive place to live to potential residents. I’ve heard similar arguments from an ACLU representative, who said that since Kentucky does not allow...