Doxxing SCOTUS Justices

After the leaked Supreme Court draft that appears to overturn Roe v Wade, abortion extremists are now intimidating Supreme Court justices that are pro-life. The group Ruth Sent Us published addresses of the justices and are calling for people to protest in their...

Is Violence the Way to Solve Policy Differences?

A conservative public policy group that advocates for the sanctity of unborn life in Wisconsin was firebombed on Mother’s Day. The office of Wisconsin Family Action (WFA) was significantly damaged. Grafitti outside the office said ‘If abortions aren’t safe, then you...

Primary Election Day 2022

Today is primary election day in Kentucky! Since it’s not a presidential year, political hype has been mild and turnout is expected to be low. In fact,  Secretary of State Michael Adams is confident turnout will be less than 30%. However, there are many important...

Biden’s Disinformation Governance Board?

Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas’ announcement of his department’s creation of a Disinformation Governance Board drew the ire of two Kentucky political leaders. Attorney General Daniel Cameron said that a Disinformation Governance Board “poses a...

Pres. Biden Student Debt Cancellation Causes Stir

Pres. Joe Biden plans to absolve millions of their college student loan debt. This has angered those who’ve been financially responsible and have worked to pay off their debts. As it is, the one-third of all student debt is carried by the wealthiest 20 percent...

Public Schools Shouldn’t be Having Erotic Drag Shows

I got a call the other day from a concerned Bowling Green citizen who shared with me that there was a drag show at a public venue where children were present. Now common sense should tell us that there are certain things not appropriate for children. Yet this...

McConnell Condemns Leaked Opinion

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell condemned the leaked Supreme Court opinion, which appears to undo the infamous Roe v Wade decision that legalized abortion on demand. He also called statements by President Biden, Speaker Pelosi, and Leader Schumer...

Court Protects Free Speech

There’s a perception that federal courts are tilted strongly to the political left. But when it comes to upholding First Amendment free speech and freedom of religion rights, the court has been inclined to rule in a constitutionally sound way and uphold these...

Draft of SCOTUS Ruling Leaked

The U.S. Supreme Court’s draft of an opinion involving abortion restrictions was leaked to the public. The intent was political and apparently to stir up pro-abortion opposition. Chief justice John Roberts called it a “breach of trust,”...

Smithsonian and the Oppressive White Culture Narrative

Critical Race Theory is one of the most divisive and un-American concepts in society today. The main ways that it is promoted are through educational institutions and museums. In other words, the cultural storytellers. In 2020 the Smithsonian Museum of...

National Day of Prayer 2022

Today is the National Day of Prayer, when public officials, pastors, and citizens from all walks of life come together to pray in public. And we have a long tradition of public prayer in this nation. George Washington had a prayer for the nation and sent it to the...

University of Louisville Opens Social Justice Library

The University of Louisville opened a social justice library. We hear a lot about social justice today, but what is it? According to Scott Allen, it’s an ideology where “human identity is entirely socially constructed,” and people are simply...

SCOTUS Hears Case about Praying Football Coach

The US Supreme Court recently heard a case involving a high school football coach who prayed at mid-field after football games. Joseph Kennedy, a Christian and former football coach at Bremerton High School in Bremerton, Washington, lost his job after he refused to...

Biden tells teachers “They’re all our children”

Pres. Joe Biden told a group of teachers at a White House ceremony: “You have heard me say it many times about our children, but it is true, they’re all our children. And the reason you are the teachers of the year is because you recognize that. They’re not...

Female Prisoners in NJ All-Female Prison Impregnated

The State of New Jersey is learning the hard way that radical policies allowing people to define their own gender have severe consequences. The Edna Mahan Correctional Facility is an all-female institution that houses 800 women. But in 2019, it began admitting men who...

What is your Primary News Source?

As I was reviewing news headlines today, I was reminded that the variety of news outlets correspond to the variety of topics and the angle they’re pursuing. For example, The Louisville Courier-Journal has been lamenting a recent law that restricts abortion and...

University Profs Free Speech Rights Upheld

A professor at Shawnee State University in southern Ohio learned the hard way that freedom of speech and conscience isn’t always protected on college campuses. Dr. Nick Meriwether declined to called a man who identifies as a a woman by their preferred pronouns....

Ky Abortion Clinics Shut Down

Kentucky’s two abortion clinics shut down last week. They claim the passage of HB 3 as the reason for the shutdown. However, according to Attorney General Daniel Cameron, that’s not true. Cameron said, “The General Assembly passed HB 3 to protect life and...

Politics Won’t Save Us

U.S. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer spoke at a large church in New York City on Easter Sunday and praised recently confirmed Supreme Court Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson. After listing several political accomplishments and racial advancements, Schumer said, “The...

Does Social Media Contribute to Good Health?

Social media and the digital age have contributed much to the concept of the modern self. But we should ask if it’s a healthy concept? Social media makes us the center of the universe where we write the script, put out the most attractive image, and cast the...