Should LGBT Activism be in Public Schools?

Should LGBT ideology be introduced in our public schools? This isn’t theoretical. In the past week I’ve taken a couple of calls from concerned parents and grandparents about LGBT identities being promoted in Lexington and Versailles public schools. Large...

Making Right Judgements

When it comes to speaking on controversial moral issues, I often hear objections that “no one has the right to judge.” But when someone says this essentially to end an argument, they are doing the very same thing they’re telling others not to do....

Election Today!

Well, we made it. After a long political season and being bombarded by endless campaign ads, and record outside spending on Amendment #2, election day is finally here. So have you ever thought why Americans spend so much time and energy on elections? Quite simply, its...

Is Abortion a Game Changer for Democrats?

According to some Democratic strategists, abortion rights are a top campaign issue that’s a game changer for Democratic candidates. But is this true? In light of recent elections, the answer is no. Republicans won control of the Kentucky House in 2016. Since...

Vote to Protect Your Freedom

Have you ever started your day worrying if the police will arrest you because you were reported going to an unauthorized church? If you were in China, millions of citizens face that threat every day. Have you ever worried that if you said something critical of the...

Early Voting Begins Today

Early voting begins today! There are many candidates to choose from, but what should we look for in a leader? The great leader of Israel Moses was told by Jethro to “select capable men from all the people—men who fear God, trustworthy men who hate dishonest...

The Gift of Free Elections

Kentucky voters will go to the polls tomorrow when early voting begins. There are many offices on the ballot ranging from city council to U.S. Senator. One of the most consequential issues is Amendment #2 which says that there’s no right to abortion in the...

Department of Defense (DOD) Funding Abortion Travel

The Department of Defense (DOD) is now funding abortion travel for service members if they’re stationed in states where abortion is banned. This is the latest move by the Biden administration to expand abortion after the U.S. Supreme Court overruled the 1973 Roe...

Politics Scarier than Halloween

Today is Halloween. But what might be scarier than a kid dressed as a goblin at your doorstep is the political season filled with high pitched rhetoric that has invaded your home. Accusations between candidates are flying faster than a witch on her broom. And the...

LHL Misinforms Readers on Amendment #2

A story in the Lexington Herald-Leader by reporter Alex Acquisto says that “Claims made in ‘Yes for Life’ ad around KY abortion vote are misleading. Here’s the reality.” Acquisto criticizes the Yes for Life television ad for “charged phraseology...

Is Abortion the Solution to Economic Hardship?

Is abortion the solution to economic hardship? According to Stacey Abrams, the answer is yes. Abrams is a candidate running for governor in Georgia, and she recently said that “Having children is why you’re worried about your price for gas, it’s why you’re...

45% of Protect Ky Access Funded by ACLU, Planned Parenthood

Amendment #2 proposes to stop activist judges from inventing a right to abortion. So far, $3 million has been raised to defeat the measure and most of the money is coming from out of state. In fact, $2,514,000 or 83 percent comes from out of state interests. A total...

Biden’s Pot Pardon

Pres. Biden pardoned all prior federal offenses of simple possession of marijuana. While this might sound good, there are two issues with this pardon. People are not being thrown into federal prison for simple possession of marijuana. It’s a misdemeanor. First-time...

Opposition to Immoral Books Cuts Across Religious Spectrum

Parents in Dearborn, Michigan showed up to a local school board meeting to air their concerns over books in their public school libraries that are sexually explicit, promote pornography, and the LGBT lifestyle. Christian parents were not the only ones who voiced their...

Louisville Opens Pride Center

Last week was National Coming Out Day, and the Louisville Pride Center promoted the day as a community reminder to encourage inclusivity, value diversity, and support LGBT people. The center provides resources for the LGBTQ+ community, including name-change clinics,...

Ky Supreme Court Hears Suit on Educational Choice

The Kentucky Supreme Court heard a case on whether a private educational foundation can receive private money to distribute to families searching for school choice for their children. At issue is whether donors to the foundation should receive a tax credit. The...

Should Ballots be Hand Counted?

The election is just weeks away and there are some who are saying that ballots should be hand counted. But is that the best way to get the most accurate vote count? According to Charles Stewart III, who directs the MIT Election Data and Science Lab, the answer is no....