Women’s Health Protection Act Introduced by Democrats

Kentucky’s strong laws protecting human life could come to an end, if Democrats had their way in Congress. Democrats in the U.S. Senate reintroduced the Women’s Health Protection Act, which would invalidate all state pro-life laws relating to abortion and would...

Louisville Police Officer Reinstated

A Louisville police officer has returned to duty after being placed on leave for 4 months. So what led to Officer Matthew Schrenger’s forced leave? He simply prayed outside the Louisville abortion clinic while off-duty. LMPD sent the officer a list of potential...

Jack Phillips

Do you remember Jack Phillips? He’s the Colorado baker who successfully defended his right to not bake a same-sex wedding cake before the U.S. Supreme Court. Well, Phillips has been targeted once again by LGBT activists and is in court once again. This time he refused...

Mumford & Sons Member Cancelled

Cancel culture has found its latest victim: a band member of Mumford & Sons. Winston Marshall announced he is leaving the band because he refuses to “self-censor.” In March, he Tweeted his appreciation for a book that exposes the inner workings of Antifa, a...

Youngest Premature Baby Celebrates First Birthday

The world’s youngest premature baby to survive just turned a year old. Richard Scott William Hutchinson was just 21 weeks old, could fit in the palm of your hand, and was given a 0 percent chance to live but defied the odds. He is now listed in the Guinness Book of...

Beshear’s Covid Contradictions

Gov. Beshear’s COVID-19 economic shutdown led to thousands going on unemployment. As expected, many enjoyed receiving an income without having to work. Now there’s a crisis as businesses cannot find workers. There are currently over 100,000 jobs in Kentucky that...

The Crumbling of a Civilization

The high-rise condominium that recently collapsed in Miami has been called the deadliest accidental building collapse in American history. Three years ago a consultant found alarming “major structural damage” and “abundant” cracking and crumbling of the condo’s...

Gov. Beshear Declares June Pride Month

For the first time in our state’s history, a Kentucky governor is declaring a month to celebrate controversial and sinful behavior that undermines human flourishing. On the last day of June, Governor Andy Beshear officially proclaimed June as Pride Month in the...

Misunderstanding our Rights

Several surveys over the last decade reveal our ignorance of basic civics. Last September, the Annenberg Public Policy Center found that only 51 percent of Americans could identify the three branches of government. Fewer could name more than a couple of our freedoms...

Understanding America

Have you ever visited the National Archives and seen the Declaration of Independence? It’s featured alongside the U.S. Constitution and other historical documents in the dimly lit rotunda of the National Archives building. Those timeless words on the yellowing...

Chinese Communists Shut Down Hong Kong Newspaper

As we get ready to celebrate our freedoms and the birth of our nation this weekend, the freedom of the press was taken away from the people of Hong Kong. The Apple Daily newspaper was their largest pro-democracy paper. But last week, the Chinese government shut it...

First Transgender Athlete to Compete in Olympics

The sexual revolution has at long last reached the Olympics. Weightlifter Laurel Hubbard will become the first transgender athlete to compete in the Olympics later this summer. That means a biological man will compete against biological women in the women’s...

USCCB Voted to Draft Document on “Eucharistic Consistency”

President Biden and other self-proclaimed Catholic Democrats may be excluded from partaking in Communion in the future. The US Conference of Catholic Bishops recently voted to draft a statement that would bar those who oppose Church teaching from receiving communion....

Impact of Fulton on Sunrise

The U.S. Supreme Court ruling upholding religious freedom for a Catholic Ministry that helps children find foster homes in Philadelphia is good news for Sunrise Children’s Services.  Sunrise is a Christian adoption agency that operates according to religious...

Court Upholds Religious Freedom Rights of Catholic Ministry

Those who cherish religious liberty have much to celebrate in the latest US Supreme Court ruling. In the case Fulton v Philadelphia, the Court unanimously ruled to protect the religious liberty rights of a Catholic adoption agency in Philadelphia. Despite operating...

AGs Oppose CRT

Twenty state attorneys general are officially opposing Critical Race Theory. This is in response to the Biden Administration’s proposal to prioritize federal grant programs that fund the use of the “1619 Project” and CRT in schools. CRT teaches that America is...

Save Women’s Sports Act

Should biological men play on women’s sports teams? It’s obvious that men and women are physically different, and athletic competitions certainly show this. One Kentucky legislator is ensuring high school girls will not have to compete against stronger boys in...

Ky Failing to Pay Unemployment Claims

Kentucky businesses are reopening and restrictions have been lifted after a year and a half pandemic. Yet thousands of Kentuckians are still waiting on unemployment benefits after the Beshear Administration took a one-size-fits-all approach and shut down much of our...

Burger King Donates to Human Rights Campaign

Have you chosen sides in the Chicken Sandwich Wars? Burger King has entered the culture war with a new chicken sandwich, and they’re taking a jab at Chick-fil-a. Burger King is promoting their chicken sandwich by donating 40 cents of every purchase to the Human...

University of Louisville Pushes LGBT Identity

The University of Louisville was named among America’s “Best of the Best” LGBTQ-friendly universities in 2020. This is the result of several years of promoting the LGBTQ cause via official university policy. UofL dedicates an office to LGBTQ services. It became the...