State Pensions

State pensions are back in the news after an independent group assessed the situation and made recommendations to the state legislature. Many are up in arms and upset about the recommended changes but what's the alternative? To let the system collapse? This...

Hurricane Harvey

Hurricane Harvey dropped rainfall in Texas and Louisiana in Biblical proportions. Over 50 inches have fallen east of Houston which makes it a record. The previous rainfall record in the lower 48 states was 48 inches. Now thousands are dealing with the aftermath and...

Final Chapter in Gov Bevin Home Deal

As the long days of summer begin to fade, so do the headlines surrounding the story of Governor Matt Bevin’s new home in Louisville.  Media outlets kept the story on the front page for nearly six months, alleging the Governor got a sweetheart deal from a...

Teens and Screens

If you have teens, should you be concerned about the amount time your teenage spends on screen time? A recent essay in The Atlantic says yes. It's entitled Have Smartphones Destroyed a Generation? The author, Jean Twenge, interviewed a 13 year old girl in Houston,...

Downs Syndrome Eliminated in Iceland

CBS reported that Iceland has eliminated Downs Syndrome. This should be received as good news, but in order to understand how they've eliminated it, one must hear as Paul Harvey says "the rest of the story." Downs is a genetic abnormality that leads to...

Tearing Down History

Since the rally around Robert E. Lee's statue in Charlottesville, Virginia, there's been a rise in vandalism to historic statues and monuments around the nation. A two century old statue of Christopher Columbus was smashed in Baltimore. The Lincoln Memorial in...

Corruption at IRS

The IRS recently rehired 213 employees who were convicted of theft, falsified documents, or made unauthorized use of taxpayer data. Worse yet, a handful of these IRS employees failed to pay their own taxes! The Office of Treasury Inspector General released a report...

Foster Care/Adoption Reform

Dan Dumas is Kentucky's adoption czar and he's working to find permanent homes for the 8000 kids in Kentucky's foster care system. Right now some 2000 kids are ready to be adopted and Dumas told Commonwealth Policy in a recent interview that he's...

Balancing Public Displays

I participated in a National Day of Prayer event where elected officials, pastors and residents gathered on the courthouse steps. Just a stone's throw from us stood a statue of a Confederate soldier. To me, it was an expression of the area's local history as...

Controversy Over Confederate Monuments

The controversy stirs over Confederate monuments in public places. The tragedy in Charlottesville was sparked by an order to move a statue of General Lee. In Durham, NC, a mob dismantled a Confederate monument. But whitewashing our history and removing such monuments...

Eclipse Today

People usually want to be in the light, but today, they're flocking to Western Kentucky to be in the darkness. That's because for 2:40 there will be complete darkness and the city of Hopkinsville is the point of greatest eclipse in the entire country. The...


Hopkinsville, Kentucky will be the center of the world's attention this Monday. That's because its the best place in the world to observe the lunar eclipse where we'll have total darkness in the middle of the day for 2 minutes and 40 seconds. The eclipse...

Chicago Sues Over Sanctuary City Crackdown

Chicago calls itself a sanctuary city. This means they're allowing illegal immigrants to live and work there without repercussions but now the federal government is clamping down. U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions is demanding all cities that have illegal aliens...

Free Speech Fear

There's a lot of fear to talk about controversial issues—especially social issues. This is because the culture is increasingly hostile to conservative values and for those who speak out, there is retribution. Last week, a memo by a Google employee got him...

Associated Press Censorship

The Associated Press is updating its 2017 writing guidelines for journalists and conservatives are crying foul. The AP stylebook provides universal rules for journalists when it comes to punctuation, capitalization and using certain words over others. But in this...

Creating the Perfect Baby

Researchers at the Oregon Health and Sciences University have successfully created genetically-modified human embryos. Their purpose is to stop genetic abnormalities from being passed on from parents to children. This might sound good, but we should ask if this is...

Charlie Gard

Little Charlie Gard has died. His parents did their best fighting on behalf of their 11 month old to receive the experimental treatment they thought might save his life. But a British court blocked them from doing so. The court saw Charlie's case as hopeless....