Court Upholds TN Right to Life Law

The U.S. Sixth Circuit Court upheld a Tennessee law that bans abortions that target babies with Downs syndrome. Tennessee Governor Bill Lee (R) responded that “Every life is precious and every child has inherent human dignity. Protecting our most vulnerable...

Oregon’s Police State

Oregon Governor Kate Brown is telling residents to call the police on their neighbors who violate the state’s COVID-19 restrictions. Last week Brown issued executive orders intended to mitigate the spread of coronavirus. This included a two-week period which...

Cancel Cancel-Culture

Cancel culture is one of the most destructive movements in our society today. It says that if you hold views that don’t align with far-left policies you are hurting others and should be marginalized, lose your job, and your place in society. The latest target of...

12 Rules for a Free Society

Jordan Peterson is a popular author and speaker whose book 12 Rules of Life sold over three million copies. Now his new book 12 More Rules for Life is set to be released in March 2021, but several of the staff at Penguin Random House publishing who identify as LGBT...

Advent Begins

Today is the second day of Advent—the time of year when Christians around the world prepare to celebrate the coming of the Savior. Advent comes into greater focus in 2020 where coronavirus has taken the lives of over 1.4 million people worldwide (260,000 in the...

Pfizer Covid Vaccine Promising

Pfizer announced their recent trial run for their COVID vaccine is 95 percent effective. This is good news in the fight against the deadly disease that has claimed 250,000 American lives. The drug was tested on nearly 44,000 people in the U.S. including five other...

Happy Thanksgiving!

In 1621, the pilgrims celebrated the first Thanksgiving and thanked God for bringing them through a hard winter. In 1789 President Washington issued a Thanksgiving proclamation “for affording them an opportunity peaceably to establish a form of government for...

Count Your Blessings

Millions of Americans will be traveling this Thanksgiving but imagine making a long, uncomfortable trip and when you arrived at your destination, you had no place to stay? That’s the story of the Pilgrims and their voyage on the Mayflower nearly 400 years ago....

Human Right’s Campaign Blueprint for Intolerance

President-elect Joe Biden promised to champion LGBT identity as a new civil right. And the nation’s most influential LGBT organization, called the Human Rights Campaign is aggressively pushing the new administration to make it happen. The Human Rights Campaign...

Gov. Beshear Orders More Closures

Gov. Andy Beshear ordered restaurants, bars, and event venues to close on Friday. He ordered all K-12 schools to close today. The effort is supposed to slow the spread of COVID-19. But the one-size-fits-all campaign against Covid neglects to consider the impact on...

Religion and Politics

I just talked with a friend who ended up reconnecting with some high school friends from 40 years ago. They’ve all been having regular Zoom meetings and catching up on family, children, and other life events. But my friend lamented that they don’t talk...

Congressman Introduces Creeper Act 2.0

There are some things you’d rather not talk about in polite company but when public health and safety are at stake, good citizenship requires us to do so. Such is the case with child sex dolls. These are life-like dolls meant for sex and they’re...

China Cracking Down on Hong Kong

Chinese communists are once again cracking down on democracy in Hong Kong. Four pro-democracy members of the legislature were ousted after China’s top lawmaking committee said the provincial government could kick out any elected official considered a threat to...

Election Results = Rejection of Identity Politics

Democratic Political consultants are busy trying to figure out what when wrong in the election. Even though they apparently won the presidential race, it was by no means a landslide or a mandate. Democrats were supposed to pick up a couple dozen seats in Congress, win...

Red Wave Washes Over Kentucky

Republicans had a successful election night nationally, adding multiple U.S House of Representatives seats and taking or maintaining control of 55 out of 99 state legislative chambers. Two of those chambers are the Kentucky House and Senate where we saw Republicans...

“Stop the Steal?”

There are many charges of election fraud in battleground states and they should be investigated. Fair and honest elections are critical to stable democracies. Both parties should realize that compromising election integrity undermines the validity of the government....

SCOTUS Hears Important Religious Liberty Case

A case before the U.S. Supreme Court gives us some insight into America’s political divide and a hint as to why voters in middle America voted Republican. The city of Philadelphia is suing Catholic Social Services because they refused to place foster children in...

Elections Can’t be Bought

Money can buy a lot of things, but one thing that it can’t buy is an election. Consider that Democratic candidates for the U.S. Senate raised $315 million as they tried to flip races in Iowa, Kentucky, Maine, Montana, South Carolina, and Texas. But it...

Veterans Day Observed

Today is Veteran’s Day. It was originally known as Armistice Day which marked the silencing of the guns of WWI on November 11, 1918. Now we honor all our veterans who’ve ever served in our armed forces. National defense may be something we take for granted...

Polls Wrong Again

Once again, the political polls were way off. The presidential race was supposed to be a Biden landslide. Democrats were supposed to win the U.S. Senate and pick up several seats in Congress. As it is, Republicans picked up six seats in Congress and held the Senate....