How Do you Know What’s True?

Sen. Mitch McConnell gave a speech in the U.S. Senate and commented that the mob who invaded the Capitol were “fed lies.” Several in the mob had signs about saving the children. This was a reference to an internet conspiracy group called Qanon which claims that...

Gov. Beshear Vetos Most Bills

The Kentucky General Assembly passed several bills in the first week of the session. These include restricting Gov. Beshear’s executive authority, changing biased judicial venues to more neutral locations, and passing pro-life measures. One authorizes the...

Trump Administration Deserves Credit

Pres. Donald Trump’s 4-year term has come to an end. While he was only President for one term, he accomplished much for the conservative cause—even if through brash and problematic ways. He appointed 3 conservative Supreme Court Justices and over 200 federal judges,...

Contending for Truth

Pres. Joe Biden called Americans to national unity and to defend the truth in his inaugural speech. Biden said “There is truth and there are lies. Lies told for power and for profit. And each of us has a duty and a responsibility, as citizens, as Americans, and...

The Power of Our Example

Last Wednesday Joe Biden was sworn in as the 46th President of the United States. Biden spoke of hope and unity; leading not “just by examples of our power, but by the power of our example.” The message of unity and hope are welcome ones, after all, we’re the...

US Aid for Pakistan Gender Program

Last week we pointed out that Congress recently approved $10 million in aid for gender programs in Pakistan. I need to make a correction, we understood “gender programs” to mean gender identity advocacy. However, the aid actually refers to bringing up the status of...

Work-Ready Scholarships

Abraham Lincoln once said that education was “the most important subject which we as a people can be engaged in.” Yet, the cost of a college education continues to rise, leaving many Kentuckians unable to pursue their dreams. Thankfully, our Commonwealth has stepped...

Impeachment of the Governor

As COVID-19 swept Kentucky, Gov. Beshear shut down many businesses and attempted to shut down in-person church services. These controversial moves led four Kentuckians to petition for the impeachment of the Governor, as they believe his actions were unconstitutional....

Legislature Empowers Cameron to Uphold Abortion Laws

The Kentucky General Assembly passed a pro-life measure empowering the Attorney General to pursue criminal charges for abortionists who break the law. This is because Gov. Beshear has demonstrated that he will not enforce state abortion law. Attorney General Daniel...

Impeachment of the President

President Trump became the first president to be impeached twice. Not long after the Capitol was ransacked, people on both sides of the political spectrum called for impeachment or his resignation. Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi moved quickly to bring articles of...

KY Legislature Restricts Gov. Beshear’s Authority

The Kentucky state legislature quickly passed a measure (HB 1) to restrict Gov. Beshear’s executive authority. It protects businesses, schools, churches, nonprofits, and local governments and allows them to remain open in accordance with U.S. Centers for Disease...

Pakistan Gets $10 Million for Gender Programs

Remember the $2.5 trillion spending bill passed by Congress the other week? There’s a lot of pork in it. One of the most egregious examples is the money Pakistan will get for “gender programs.” Congress is sending no less than $10 million to the Pakistanis to...

Peaceful Transition of Power

The United States has had peaceful transfers of power from one president to the next since John Adams followed George Washington in 1797. This will continue in 2021 as Pres. Donald Trump will peacefully transfer his executive power to President-elect Joe Biden. Pres....

US Attorneys to Prosecute Kentuckians Involved with DC Mob

The U.S. Capitol was breached and attacked for the first time since the War of 1812. A mob of vandals smashed windows, invaded office spaces, and harmed capitol police. Altogether five people died, including US Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick. US Attorney for...

Insurrection in DC

January 6th will go down as a dark day in American history. The greatest symbol of self-government, the US Capitol, was ransacked by thugs who believed an insurrection could overturn a democratic election. After numerous lawsuits were thrown out by Trump-appointed...

Essential Nature of Churches

There’s an ongoing conversation about whether churches are essential, especially in a post-modern age where self-styled spirituality is the norm and objective truth is shunned. The church has long been considered the glue that holds the Christian community...

COVID-19 Relief Bill

Congress passed another Covid relief bill. It’s supposed to help ailing businesses with another paycheck protection program, extended and enhanced unemployment benefits, and another round of $600 direct payments to U.S. taxpayers. But there’s also a lot of...

Controversial Comments by Chicago Teachers Union

The Chicago Teachers Union recently tweeted, “The push to reopen schools is rooted in sexism, racism, and misogyny.” Now is that true? The CDC recommended that schools remain open for the well-being of students. And unfortunately, black students have been most...

General Assembly Begins Today

The 2021 Kentucky General Assembly session begins today. It’s a short session with only 30 working days to conduct the commonwealth’s legislative business. While hundreds of bills will be proposed, only a few priority bills will make it into law. Expect a...

Georgia Runoffs Will Determine U.S. Senate

Georgia voters go to the polls tomorrow and vote in two U.S. Senate races. And today’s outcome will determine Washington’s political balance, at least until the mid-term elections. Incumbent Republican Senators David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler are being...