Facebook Censorship

Facebook has been in the news for censoring the free speech of conservatives. Of course, it’s a private company and can restrict speech on its own platform. But they’re targeting social conservatives who are sharing their views on moral issues. The latest story...

1776 Project Cancellation

Pres. Joe Biden did not waste any time in keeping his promise of undoing Trump’s policies through executive order. So far he’s issued 30 executive orders, including the cancellation of the 1776 Commission. The purpose of this Commission was to promote...

Legislators Pressured to Redefine Pari-mutuel Gambling

The Kentucky General Assembly convenes today and legislators are being pressured to redefine the term parimutuel to legalize video slot machines. Ten years ago the horse tracks gambled on whether or not the slots were legal. They rolled the dice so to speak but they...

Sanctity of Life Day

Forty-eight years ago the U.S. Supreme Court legalized the killing of babies in the womb. As a result, over 60 million unborn children have been aborted. This is the equivalent of the entire population of Italy. It’s clear that we’ve embraced a low view of...

How Do you Know What’s True?

Sen. Mitch McConnell gave a speech in the U.S. Senate and commented that the mob who invaded the Capitol were “fed lies.” Several in the mob had signs about saving the children. This was a reference to an internet conspiracy group called Qanon which claims that...

Gov. Beshear Vetos Most Bills

The Kentucky General Assembly passed several bills in the first week of the session. These include restricting Gov. Beshear’s executive authority, changing biased judicial venues to more neutral locations, and passing pro-life measures. One authorizes the...

Trump Administration Deserves Credit

Pres. Donald Trump’s 4-year term has come to an end. While he was only President for one term, he accomplished much for the conservative cause—even if through brash and problematic ways. He appointed 3 conservative Supreme Court Justices and over 200 federal judges,...

Contending for Truth

Pres. Joe Biden called Americans to national unity and to defend the truth in his inaugural speech. Biden said “There is truth and there are lies. Lies told for power and for profit. And each of us has a duty and a responsibility, as citizens, as Americans, and...

The Power of Our Example

Last Wednesday Joe Biden was sworn in as the 46th President of the United States. Biden spoke of hope and unity; leading not “just by examples of our power, but by the power of our example.” The message of unity and hope are welcome ones, after all, we’re the...

US Aid for Pakistan Gender Program

Last week we pointed out that Congress recently approved $10 million in aid for gender programs in Pakistan. I need to make a correction, we understood “gender programs” to mean gender identity advocacy. However, the aid actually refers to bringing up the status of...