Afghanistan Crumbling

Two suicide bombers at the Kabul Airport took the lives of 72 Afghans and 13 U.S. Troops. More than a hundred were wounded in a cowardly attack on those trying to flee the country. The attack was linked to ISIS. The abrupt withdrawal of U.S. troops in Afghanistan left...

Is Roe on the Ropes?

The pro-life movement received another victory as a Texas law was upheld in a recent Federal Court of Appeals case. The law banned a method called D&E, an abortion procedure commonly used in the second trimester. Doctors who violated this law would face up to two...

Boy Scouts Bankruptcy

The Boy Scouts of America have entered into a bankruptcy deal after many years of spiraling downward and facing near collapse amid its sexual abuse crisis. The deal includes an $850 million fund to compensate thousands of men who were sexually abused in the Scout...

Beshear’s School Mask Mandate Temporarily Blocked

Gov. Beshear’s latest mask mandate for all Kentucky schools was temporarily blocked by a federal judge. The state legislature passed a law giving local school districts the authority to create their own policy on masking, but Beshear has thwarted the law, which is in...

Biden’s Eviction Moratorium

At the direction of President Biden, the Center for Disease Control has unilaterally extended the eviction moratorium. This means that if a tenant is struggling to pay rent, the landlord cannot evict them. Of course, this brings hardship to landlords who also have...

Afghanistan Has Fallen

Afghanistan has fallen. And it happened in lightning speed as the Taliban ran roughshod over the country and nearly walked into the capital of Kabul without serious resistance. The U.S. has been there for nearly 20 years and poured over a trillion dollars into...

Senate Committee Passes the addition of women in the draft

The United States military has been an all-volunteer force for many years and has not had to implement a draft since the Vietnam War. Yet, all men are still required to register for the draft when they turn 18 or face penalties. But if a provision in a defense bill...

Twitter suspends Erick Erickson and Allie Beth Stuckey

Did you ever expect a time in America when speaking the truth would be punished by social media companies? Two conservative figures, Erick Erickson and Allie Beth Stuckey, were recently suspended from Twitter for saying that a transgender Olympic athlete named Laurel...

Psychological results of masks for children

Governor Beshear’s controversial mask mandate is ruffling feathers. Critics say he’s defying the rule of law. This is because the Kentucky legislature passed a bill authorizing local school boards, not the governor, to make that decision. The mandate is...

Public Funding of Abortion Stopped

Ever hear of the Hyde Amendment? Unless you keep tabs on the abortion debate you probably haven’t. In short, the Hyde Amendment has been a federal law for decades and says that no federal funds can be used for abortions in the United States. It was sponsored by...