Teaching American Principles Act and CRT

Recently the Teaching American Principles Act went into effect, which effectually bans the teaching of Critical Race Theory in public schools across Kentucky. Many are wondering what CRT is. It’s the belief that our society is founded in racism that benefits white...

Congressional Dems Vote to Codify Gay Marriage

After Roe v Wade was overturned, federal Democrats are trying to prevent the court from overturning other controversial laws imposed by a handful of judges. Congress took the first step to make same-sex marriage a national law (by a vote of 267 to 157. Every Democrat...

Federal Judge Blocks Biden’s Transgender Order

Pres. Biden’s unilateral attempt to override state legislatures and duly enacted laws to keep biological men off of women’s sports teams was halted by a federal judge. Kentucky enacted the Fairness in Women’s Sports Act earlier this year. The measure keeps men...

Ill-named Women’s Health Protection Act Pushed by Dems

Congressional Democrats are now opposing the U.S. Supreme Court, a branch of government they’ve relied upon for years as the final authority on all political matters. In recent days, they’ve passed two extreme abortion measures that await votes in the senate. The...

Judge: University Can’t Muzzle Religious Discussion

A federal judge ruled that the University of Idaho’s “no-contact” order of a Christian group with a student who identifies as queer was unconstitutional. The student approached members of the Christian Legal Society and asked them why they affirmed that marriage is...

Texas Battles Federal Government

Pres. Biden has made abortion a priority of his administration. In fact,”Reproductive Rights” is the very first policy listed on the White House website. It says, “Reproductive health care, including access to birth control and safe and legal...

College Enrollment Declining

There are some troubling trends in higher education. According to a survey by the American Psychological Association, Nearly one in four college students take psychotropic medication. And up to 44% of college students having symptoms of depression and anxiety. Males...

The Heavens Declare the Glory of God

The photos from the Webb telescope are absolutely amazing. Scientists are speaking of the pictures they saw in near-spiritual terms. NASA senior Webb scientist John Mather and a Nobel laureate said after the reveal, “It’s the beauty but also the story. It’s the story...

Can Men Get Pregnant?

The exchange the other day between Berkeley Law Professor Khiara Bridges and Arkansas Sen. Josh Hawley is a snapshot of conflict between objective truth as revealed by God and the hostility toward the created order. Prof. Bridges asked Sen. Hawley, “Do you...

Contradictions of Dobbs Protestors

There have been several protests in Kentucky and across the nation against the Dobbs ruling, which gives abortion policy back to the states. A few observations are in order. Those on the political left called it a blow against democracy. However, the ruling was...