Human Trafficking

According to the U.S. State Department’s 2019 National Human Trafficking report, there are a staggering 24.9 million people trafficked in the world. Most cases involve women, often underage girls who are runaways and trafficked for sex. It’s disturbing to...

Evangelical Justification for Voting for Trump

Andrew Walker recently wrote an analysis piece breaking down why so many evangelicals voted for Trump in 2016. He explains it in terms of the progressive push that would trample religious freedom and further protect abortion. Walker says that “religious...

Social Critic Says America Needs Awakening

Political scientist Charles Murray has come to the conclusion that America needs a religious awakening. Murray is the author of the Bell Curve and other popular works assessing our culture. He said in a recent radio interview that “You cannot have a free society, a...

Is Abortion a Reproductive Right?

Planned Parenthood said in a recent press release that abortion is healthcare and a reproductive right. But is abortion really a reproductive right? Reproduction results in addition. But abortion results in the subtraction of another human being. Some call abortion...

Planned Parenthood Coming to KY

Planned Parenthood is back in business in Kentucky. It recently opened its facility in Louisville and is now offering abortions. Gov. Andy Beshear gave the green light to the nation’s biggest abortion provider access to Kentucky—even though the group was...

Chinese Military Charged in Equifax Breach

Remember the huge security breach at Equifax a couple of years ago where 145 million Americans had their private information stolen?  Well, the culprits were finally caught. Four Chinese military members have been charged with breaking into the Equifax network. They...

President’s Day

Today is President’s Day and at a time when confidence in political leadership may be at an all-time low, it’s good to celebrate the courage and conviction of leaders who’ve demonstrated statesmanship. Abraham Lincoln, our 16th president, held the...

Valentines Day

Well men, if you haven’t gotten chocolates and flowers for your wife, there’s still time to do so. In case you forgot, it’s Valentines Day today. Did you know that this holiday is named after an actual person who was persecuted by the Roman Emperor...

Legislature is in Session

The Kentucky legislature is in full swing. So far several hundred bills have been introduced.  A few high profile bills include legalizing sports gambling and medical marijuana, a constitutional amendment on abortion, mandatory voter ID at the polls, and  sanctuary...

Religion in the U.S. Senate

Barry Black is the Chaplain to the U.S. Senate and most American’s may not have known about him or that the Senate even had a chaplain before the impeachment trial. Black led the Senate in prayer each day of the trial. He reverently appealed to God in each...

Iowa Caucus Debacle

Iowa has been the epicenter of national politics for months as Democratic presidential candidates have campaigned and made their case to the voters. However, instead of a clear winner announced on election night, there was confusion. In fact, it was a fiasco. The app...