Resolutions for a better Commonwealth

Political commentators and celebrities are bidding good riddance to 2016 largely because of the ideological divide and politics that separates the nation.  It's a singular way to gauge a year, as if politics is the measure of all things. Coming off a holiday...

A few resolutions

Political commentators and celebrities are bidding good riddance to 2016 largely because of the ideological divide and politics that separates the nation.  It's a singular way to gauge a year, as if politics is the measure of all things. Coming off a holiday...

Another U of L Scandal

When it comes to sports, its fair to say that all sides want a level playing field. So when its discovered that when one team's playbook comes into the hands of their opponents, the playing field is no longer level. In fact there is a breech. This is what the Wake...

Christmas Letdown

Christmas is in the books, and after all the anticipation, the gift-giving, the feasting and family gatherings, do you ever get that feeling of disappointment? That feeling that there should be something more? Of course, in this case, there is something more. And that...

Year in Review

2016 has been a momentous year. Eight years of authoritarian and far-left ideology under Pres. Barack Obama imposed upon the American people led to a backlash at the polls and a presidential election that took the nation by surprise with Donald Trump winning. Kentucky...

KY Kids Count Data Book

Kentucky children are unfortunately first in the nation when it comes to having a parent in jail. This is one of the findings recently released in the 2016 Kentucky KIDS COUNT data book. Kentucky Youth Advocates compiled the report and one of the biggest if not...

False Political Ads are Costly

There's a mistaken belief that politicians can say whatever they want without any consequences—especially when it comes to spreading falsehoods about their opponent. This was recently underscored when a jury in Eastern Kentucky found a former Democratic...

Drugged Driving in Northern Kentucky

You've heard of driving under the influence, well in Northern Kentucky, they have a problem with "drugged driving," which is the latest fallout from the heroin epidemic.  Since October 1, Kenton County prosecuted 38 drivers for felonies because they...

AUL Report on Abortion Clinic Abuse

The pro-life organization, Americans United for Life released a ground-breaking investigative report about just how unsafe abortion clinics are to women's health. Their investigative report is called Unsafe: How The Public Health Crisis in America's Abortion...

Tolerance Must be a Two Way Street

There's much talk about tolerance these days, but those who advocate tolerance are often unwilling to be tolerant of others, especially when it comes to another's perspective. Nick Kristof, a self-identified liberal writer at the NY Times criticizes the...

America’s Abortion Rate Continues to Decline

Just when we need it, there's good news from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) regarding one of the hottest social issues of our day: The numbers of abortions are declining. According to their latest report 664,435 abortions were reported to CDC...

Gaine’s Story a Loss for Media Credibility

Chip and Joanna Gaines are the hosts of the popular cable show Fixer Upper but now they're in hot water because they refused to divulge to a probing reporter their personal beliefs on same-sex relationships. As a result, the "reporter" dug up old sermons...

Media must become trustworthy

In the time of the year when elections come to an end and average citizens suddenly grow tired of the bickering and vulgarization of discourse, a new idea comes along that undermines partisan provocateurs bent on belittling and maligning their opposition. The idea is...

Taking Free Speech for Granted

One of the greatest gifts we enjoy in this nation is the freedom of speech and association which are both protected by the First Amendment. This means that we can speak in public about religion and political ideas. We can also choose our associations. In other words,...

A Call for Respect and Civility in the Media

In the time of year when elections come to an end and average citizens suddenly grow tired of the bickering and vulgarization of discourse, a new idea comes along that undermines partisan provocateurs bent on belittling and maligning their opposition. The idea is that...

President’s Cabinet Picks

Elaine Chao was recently appointed to serve as the Secretary of Transportation in the Trump administration. This is good for Kentucky and the nation.  Chao is Sen. Mitch McConnell's wife and formerly served as Secretary of Labor under George W. Bush. Joining...

Why is Castro Praised?

Fidel Castro is dead. And surprisingly, many sang his praises. President Jimmy Carter said he "[he] fondly remembered his visits with [Castro] and his love of his country." Con. Barbara Lee (D-Oakland), said “We [should] mourn his loss…. [and...

The Divisiveness of Identity Politics

Martin Luther King, Jr., famously prophesied a time in America when his children would “be judged not by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.” King’s dream foresaw a new era of civil rights for African-Americans, but it...

Atheist requests IM God Plate

A Northern Kentucky man is suing the state of Kentucky for refusing to issue a license plate that says "IM GOD." Bennie L. Hart of Kenton County is an atheist who says he's spreading his religious view that it's impossible to disprove anyone's...

Should UK become Sanctuary Campus?

Should universities become sanctuaries for people who cannot prove their citizenship? A group of University of Kentucky students think so. This is the latest activist movement on college campuses. More than 1500 signatures were gathered from students who want...