Proper Conversation

There's an abundance of bitterness over proposals to fixing the state pension. There's plenty of labeling, name calling, and demeaning behavior—on both sides. This is no way to have a conversation. In fact, it's no way to accomplish anything. The...

Planned Parenthood Admissions

There are some ironies in politics that emerge when you least expect them. The latest is found in Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richard's new book. Richards says that their daughter Lily was "unplanned," but she and her husband chose life. "In...

Pension Reform Passes

A pension reform bill finally passed into law. It mostly affects new hires and keeps the system essentially the same for existing teachers. One of the major changes is that it requires new Kentucky teachers to participate in a "hybrid" plan which has...

Register to vote

What if I told you that you have tremendous influence over the direction of our government. What if you could pick and choose your leaders? Well, you do. It's called voting, and the deadline to register to vote is coming up soon. If you're not yet registered...

Peace is a Verb

It is a good thing for Christians to pursue purity when it comes to doctrine.  However, one Christian philosopher says there must be more.  Francis Schafer says, “Biblical orthodoxy without compassion is surely the ugliest thing in the...

The Importance of Words

According to a 2014 study conducted by the University of Arizona, most people speak about 15,000 words per day.  But do you really think before you speak? Counselor and author Paul Tripp writes, “One of the things that separates us from the rest of creation...

Reality TV Show Stirring Eastern Kentucky

Ever had guests that wore out their welcome? That may be the case in one Eastern Kentucky city.  Elkhorn City is in Pike County and some residents aren’t happy with the taping of a new reality TV show being produced for MTV.  The show’s called...

The General Assembly Requires Abstinence Education

Back in January we told you about Senate Bill 71 that was being introduced to the 2018 General Assembly session.  It was a bill that would require abstinence education be included in sex education in Kentucky’s public schools.  The inclusion of such...

Facebook Data

Facebook has been getting lots of negative press lately. First it was the Russian's attempting to sway public opinion through ads. Now it’s a company called Cambridge Analytica which misused data to create voter profiles used in political...

Transgenderism Going Mainstream

Transgenderism is the idea that one can transcend their biological sex. It's controversial but in some places the debate has been settled and if you express disagreement you could be punished. Canada has a law that fines or even jails people if they use the wrong...

Repeal the Second Amendment?

The Second Amendment to the Constitution secures the rights of Americans to keep and bear arms. It’s part of our political DNA ever since the British tried to disarm the colonists. The Founders realized that the right to self-defense is a natural right and so...

March for Our Lives

Students across the nation rallied at marches and called for more gun regulations or outright gun bans in order to stop school shootings. Critics complained that the many students who don't really understand the debate were used as pawns or simply got caught up in...

Kentucky May Become Most Pro-Life State

A bill banning abortions after 11 weeks is close to becoming law in Kentucky. It says "a human being is entitled to receive ethical and humane treatment and is to be respected and valued in all phases of life." The law is difficult to read as it describes in...

Finland Happiest Country in the World

Finland was ranked the happiest country in the world according to a report by the United Nations. In case you were wondering, the US ranks 18th. The report considers among other factors, wealth equality, taxes, access to health care, life expectancy, low...

SCOTUS Considers Speech Case

The U.S. Supreme Court is hearing an important case regarding the free-speech rights of pro-life ministries. The case originated when California passed a law requiring crisis pregnancy centers to post pro-abortion information. The problem is that most crisis pregnancy...

Fake News Travels Faster than True News

Mark Twain once said that 'A lie can travel half way around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes.' And he said this before the age of social media. Turns out Twain was more right than he could have ever imagined....

Dirty Needles Litter Ashland Playground

Every day, teachers at Crabbe Elementary School in Ashland, Kentucky scour the playground for dirty needles. Since the beginning of the school year they've found 18 used needles on their playgrounds. Ashland is in the midst of a heroin crisis and in order to stem...

Facts are Integral to Responsible Public Policy

Facts are central to responsible public policy formation. Absent facts, public policy rests on shifting sands of emotion, personal preference, and special interest. Lead with facts, land on good policy. Ignore facts, end up with bad policy. Consider the emotion...

Free Speech at Kentucky Colleges SB 237

We value free speech in this nation so much that we've made it a priority and protected it in the First Amendment of the Constitution. So it's ironic that one of the institutions that benefits the greatest is the place where free speech is most under attack....