Houthi Rebels Disrupt Global Trade

Houthi rebels in Yemen have disrupted global commerce by attacking merchant ships heading to the Suez Canal in the Middle East. With the support of Iran, the rebels have attacked ships with drone strikes that are costly to counter. In response, most ships are sailing...

Palestinian Protests Disrupt US Christmas Celebrations

Pro-Palestinian protests have interrupted Christmas celebrations across America this year. They’ve happened at Chicago’s O’Hare airport, Fifth Avenue in New York City, and even the Kentucky State Capitol. They claim that Israel is engaging in genocide through its war...

New Year’s Day

The Commonwealth Policy Center did a lot of great work in 2023. We supported successful pro-family legislation. We had a positive impact on elections. We hosted major speakers and elevated the voices of Kentuckians working for the good of our state. New Year’s Day is...

Detransitioners Speak Out

According to National Review’s new podcast, The Detransitioners, between 2017 and 2021, 5,000 children were put on puberty blockers. 14,000 received hormone injections. Over 700 had double mastectomies. To reiterate, these are children under the age of 18. And...

Pope Blesses Same Sex Couples

Pope Francis approved a document which allows priests in the Roman Catholic Church to bless same-sex couples. And it’s created controversy. The Catholic Church has traditionally taught that homosexual acts are sinful and that sex is reserved for marriage between...

KY Abortion Lawsuit Dropped

The lawsuit filed by the ACLU to overturn Kentucky’s abortion restrictions has been dropped. The woman who identified as Jane Doe and brought the class action lawsuit has dropped her suit after it appears she suffered a miscarriage. As Attorney General Daniel...

Homelessness Hits Record High

America is facing record homelessness, as more than 650,000 Americans don’t have a place to call home. And the problem will likely be aggravated but a surge of illegal immigrants at our southern border. Some government agencies say that lack of affordable...

Christmas Day 2023

Have you ever thought about the amazing ironies of Christmas? It’s a story about the infinite God becoming an infant. Eternal, yet he stepped into time and took on flesh. Almighty in power yet a helpless babe. Possessing all wealth, yet born to poor parents. He...

Kentucky Faith Trail Launches

Several tourism organizations have announced the new Kentucky Faith Trail, a group of popular attractions which illustrate our religious heritage. It includes the Creation Museum, the Ark Encounter, and the Abbey of Gethsemane. Additional sites with religious...

DEI Benefits in Schools/Programs

The Supreme Court has ruled that colleges cannot not take race or ethnicity into account in admissions decisions. But many programs at Kentucky’s public institutions of higher education didn’t get the memo. Several scholarships at public universities are...

Kentucky Offers Opioid Overdose Drug Through the Mail

Kentucky public health officials are offering free medication through the mail which can reverse the effects of a drug overdose. Kentuckians can request naloxone – no prescription needed – through the NEXT Distro website if they cannot afford it or access...

College Presidents Fail Moral Test to Condemn Anti-semitism

The presidents of several prestigious universities are under fire over tolerating antisemitism on their campuses. Rep. Elise Stefanik asked the presidents of Harvard, the University of Pennsylvania, and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology if calling for the...

Gov. Andy Beshear Inaugurated

Gov. Andy Beshear was inaugurated for a second term as Kentucky’s chief executive. He held up love, compassion, and empathy as the right responses to political division. Beshear said that we can achieve “our collective dream of a true and better Kentucky,”...

Biden’s Student Loan Forgiveness

The Biden administration approved the cancellation of almost $132 billion dollars in student loan debt for almost 3.6 million people. Many are praising this effort, especially those whose loans were forgiven. One of those people is a woman named Debra, who said she...

California Law Requires Gender Neutral Toy Section or Face Fines

Toy stores in California must now include a gender-neutral section or face a fine. A bill signed by Gov. Gavin Newsom in 2021 requires stores to designate gender-neutral toys “regardless of whether they have been traditionally marketed for either girls or for boys.”...

Cameron Opposes Federal LGBTQ Foster Youth Policy

Kentucky Attorney General Daniel Cameron has joined 16 colleagues in a fight against a proposed federal rule which requires foster homes for LGBTQ children to affirm their new identities. Under the proposal, foster parents must affirm the child’s sexual...

Sen. Tuberville Yields on Military Confirmations

The U.S. Department of Defense is embracing progressive politics in America’s military. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin announced generous time off and travel subsidies for servicewomen who cannot get an abortion in states that ban them. This circumvents federal policy...

Rep. George Santos expelled from Congress on bipartisan vote

Congressman George Santos of New York has officially been expelled from Congress. Over two-thirds of the House voted to oust him, including half of Republicans, after an ethics report found that he allegedly committed crimes and numerous other unethical actions....

Rage Over Israel-Hamas War Leading to Violence

The Israeli-Hamas war has revealed latent anti-semitism and led to people publicly taking sides. In a few cases, heated emotions have led to violence in the United States. High school students in New York City rioted outside a teacher’s office for two hours after the...

Deepfakes Do Real Harm

Deep fakes are threatening our understanding of reality. A deep fake is a picture or a video that is altered and faked with the intention to deceive. Now deep fakes are emerging from the Israeli-Hamas war. The intent is to shape opinion and elicit emotional responses....