Attorney General Targets Price Gouging

The U.S. is facing a shortage of personal protective equipment (PPE) due to panic stemming from the novel coronavirus outbreak. People are hoarding hand sanitizer and face masks which has led to a shortage for citizens and healthcare providers. Unfortunately, some...

Praying for Our Leaders

Pres. Trump recently called for a “National Day of Prayer” amidst the novel coronavirus pandemic. The pandemic appears to be a plague of Biblical proportions and a call for prayer from our nation’s top leader is fitting. Trump isn’t the first president to...

Unemployment Reaches Record High

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought our economy to a halt and resulted in massive job losses. More than three million Americans filed an unemployment claim. This is a surge of 1500 percent within two weeks and also the highest number of unemployment claims ever recorded...

U.S. Ranked Best Prepared for Health Crisis

One of the problems in a time of crisis is that panic leads to anxiety and anxiety leads to the spread of bad information. Some of that bad information, pushed by leading Democrats including presidential contender Joe Biden, is that the U.S wasn’t prepared for a...

Christian Response to COVID-19

According to a Pew Forum Survey a few years ago 76 percent of Kentuckians identify as Christians. Yet one of the great challenges for many Kentuckians is how to live out their faith in public. But with the coronavirus, there are several opportunities. Jesus said the...

The Church’s Response to Pandemic

The coronavirus is not the first plague to hit our world and we are not the first people to endure such hardship. Martin Luther spoke of Christian response to the Black Death which resurfaced in Europe in the early 1500s. Luther said “if a deadly epidemic...

Ministering to Others in Times of Crisis

Some have been angry with the extreme measure the government has taken to stop the spread of the coronavirus. That decision has been taken out of our hands, but in the meantime, what are you doing to help alleviate the crisis? If you have your health, be thankful, but...

Crises Leads Us to Ask Ultimate Questions

The COVID-19 outbreak has caused panic. All Kentucky schools and restaurants are closed at least until April. The Kentucky primary election has been postponed until June 23. And there’s a general sense of anxiety. The elderly and those with compromised immunity,...

Prudence Instead of Panic

The outbreak of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) has brought on panic. People are raiding grocery stores and hoarding toilet paper, medicines, and disinfectants, leaving shelves bare. It should go without saying that panic isn’t helpful in times of crisis....

Incivility Continues

Civility has been stretched to its limits. Denver City Councilwoman Candi CdeBaca who supported a tweet that suggested opponents of Pres. Trump should attend Make America Great Again rallies and infect Trump supporters with the coronavirus. Ms. CdeBaca tweeted...

Asbury University Under Fire

Asbury University, a conservative Christian college near Lexington, is under fire from news media outlets because it fired two LGBT-affirming professors. The political cartoon in the Lexington Herald-Leader had a rainbow leading to Asbury and it said: The end of the...

Obedience to the Unenforceable

The Kentucky state legislature is considering several hundred bills. One bill sets higher penalties for sexual assaults while traveling in a taxi. Another bill creates stiffer penalties for those who assault referees. Yet another bill increases penalties for adults...

CA Legislators Proposes Gender-Neutral Toy Aisle

There’s been a big push to allow young children to determine their own gender these days. And if one California lawmaker has his way, he’d force stores that sell children’s items to remain gender-neutral. State Rep. Evan Low proposed a bill that...

Benefits of Pot Overblown

Kentuckians’ approval of marijuana as medicine is at an all-time high. Ahem, no pun intended. According to a recently released poll by Kentucky Health Issues, 9 out of 10 Kentuckians favored legalizing medical marijuana. The strong poll numbers are fueled by...

Transgender Policy in Schools

California passed a law in 2013 prohibiting public school employees from informing parents of a child’s gender dysphoria or identity change, that is unless they have the child’s consent. A similar policy is in place in the Madison, Wisconsin school district but...

DOJ Intervenes in Louisville Case

The U.S. Department of Justice is coming to the assistance of a Louisville business owner who believers her First Amendment rights are threatened by a local ordinance that elevates LGBT identity to protected status.  Chelsey Nelson is a photographer and is suing...

Money Can’t Buy an Election

Joe Biden was the big winner in the Democratic primary on Super Tuesday. Interestingly, he did it with little money compared to his rivals. Tom Steyer, a hedge-fund billionaire, spent $253 million in the Democratic primaries first three contests and failed to win a...

Disney Introduces Lesbian Character

Pixar is known for classic animated movies like Finding Nemo and Cars. It’s a top-notch studio whose movies often have good messages. However, the latest movie called Onward misses the mark. It’s about two brothers, voiced by Chris Pratt and Tom Holland...

Schumer Threatens Justices

Senator Chuck Schumer threatened two Supreme Court Justices at a pro-abortion rally outside the U.S. Supreme Court building last week. Schumer said in a speech “I want to tell you, Gorsuch. I want to tell you, Kavanaugh. You have released the whirlwind, and you...

NASA Hero Remembered

An American hero who overcame segregation and long odds to contribute to the U.S. Space program that put the first man on the moon passed away. Katherine Johnson, NASA mathematician depicted in the movie ‘Hidden Figures,’ calculated the trajectory for...