Obamacare nets a loss of two million jobs by 2021

In another punch to the gut that Obamacare is brining to America, this week, news broke from the Congressional Budget Office that the continuation of Obamacare would result in a loss of over two million jobs by 2021. According to the Associated Press,  The...

Nye/Ham debate: a few thoughts and questions

Of all the heat Bill Nye the Science Guy took from the scientific community for agreeing to debate Ken Ham on the topic of evolution, he didn’t do so bad. He presented himself well and was articulate and confident. Yet Nye couldn’t answer some of the most...

Kentucky Wins! and the "Billions"

Ever notice that gambling proponents make the argument that casino gambling is necessary in Kentucky in order to keep Kentucky dollars from funding casinos not in our state? It’s not that gambling is wrong, predatory, or immoral, but rather a subtler message, as...

Kentucky Wins! and the “Billions”

Ever notice that gambling proponents make the argument that casino gambling is necessary in Kentucky in order to keep Kentucky dollars from funding casinos not in our state? It’s not that gambling is wrong, predatory, or immoral, but rather a subtler message, as...

Secular Liberal Pounces on Effects of Pornography

Part of the mission of the Commonwealth Policy Center is to advance a culture than honors all that God has given to us—to honor what is true, good, and beautiful. So, at times, it's necessary pause from the routine and focus on items that help address and...

Little Sisters Get a Win Against Big Brother

The Little Sisters of the Poor, a Catholic charities organization that runs nursing homes throughout the United States received a big win at the Supreme Court on Friday. Short of a full victory that many anticipate will come in June when the Court decides the HHS...

Virginia’s AG Challenging Marriage Law

Virginia's new attorney general, Mark Herring, is set to announce on Thursday that his office will challenge Virginia's 2004 constitutional amendment that defines marriage as the union of one man and one woman. Herring's announcement reiterates a truth for...

Herald-Leader Expose on Abortion in the House

John Cheves, political reporter at the Lexington Herald-Leader has done great work in investigating the discontent of pro-life foces in Kentucky, and their constant misfortune with having pro-life bills placed in Rep. Tom Burch's committee.  Cheves captures...

Oklahoma’s Marriage Amendment Overturned

Folks in Kentucky interested in preserving marriage need to pay attention to what's happening in the reddest of American states, like Utah and Oklahoma. There, following precedent handed down in Anthony Kennedy's Windsor decision, federal judges are...

Pro-Life Legislation Filed

As the Kentucky legislature begins, three pro-life bills have been filed, signaling the pro-life caucus' intent to see real progress on this front. There has been no pro-life legislation come out of the Democratically-controlled House for nine years, due in large...

Busy Times Ahead

Much has happened in the news lately, especially relevant to the concerns of constituents of the Commonwealth Policy Center. Here are two in particular that should be in focus. In a much bandied about affair in Utah, a federal judge ruled same-sex marriage legal,...

POLITICO Touts Social Conservative Action

The national publication, POLITICO, discussed the political efforts of social conservatives. Titled, "Social Conservative Make Big Money Plans," the article highlighted efforts by national family groups to help keep their party and their candiates...

HHS Mandate: A Happy New Year Indeed

In an eleventh hour action, Supreme Court Justice Sonya Sotomayor issued a stay against the Obama administration's HHS Mandate, the odious provision of Obamacare that requires all employers to provide contraception, sterilization, and abortion-inducing drugs to...

A Study of Contrasts

Consider the irony of our news media: One outspoken Christian in America stated his belief that homosexuality is sinful. He gets suspended from his TV show at the behest of gay rights organizations' protest. Another outspoken Christian in Rome not only believes...

Duck Dynasty and Moral Reasoning

Whatever one may think of Duck Commander Phil Robertson’s recent remarks (and let’s be honest, his references to human anatomy could have used a more careful nuance), there’s at least one element in this hubbub that’s going underemphasized, but...

A Few Words on Duck Dynasty

By now, if you haven't been living under a rock, you've heard of A&E's decision to suspend the highly popular Phil Robertson from his own show, Duck Dynasty, after an interview he did with GQ disclosed some culturally unsavory words about...

Young Guns battle traditional values

The National Republican Congressional Committee (RNCC) is financially supporting two openly homosexual and pro-abortion Congressional candidates through its Young Guns program. The move has miffed the social wing of the party which believes that life and marriage are...

Polygamy Law Partially Decriminalized in Utah

In what many conservatives both predicted and feared would happen, the logic of same-sex marriage to opening up the door to other forms of marriage is coming true. Last Friday, a federal judge in Utah lifted a portion of the state's ban on polygamy, ruling that...

House Republicans Score a Win

After Tuesday night's special election win for Suzanne Miles of Owensboro, House Republicans etched another win in their belt, and with it, an additional seat in the House chambers.  A long-held bastion of Democratic control, the Kentucky House of...