Much has happened in the news lately, especially relevant to the concerns of constituents of the Commonwealth Policy Center. Here are two in particular that should be in focus.
In a much bandied about affair in Utah, a federal judge ruled same-sex marriage legal, leading to over 900 same-sex couples tying the knot. Then, in what's being called an unexpected turn of events, the Supreme Court of the United States put a stay in effect in Utah, ruling that same-sex marriages cannot go on until an appeals court issues its ruling. A sample from USA Today,
The Supreme Court put a stop to same-sex marriages in conservative Utah on Monday while the state appeals a federal district court's ruling that had legalized the unions.
The justices, acting on a petition sent to Justice Sonia Sotomayor, ruled that gay marriages cannot continue during the appeals process. The case is pending before the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals.
Secondly, the big news out of Kentucky is that the Kentucky General Assembly has begun its 2014 60 day long session. During the Governor’s State of the Commonwealth address, Governor Beshear touted his intention to, once again, see gambling brought into Kentucky’s borders through the form of expanded gambling.
KET also had a good debate on Kentucky Tonight about issues facing the legislature.