NIH Opens Door to Animal/Human Chimeras

The National Institutes of Health just announced that it's lifting the funding ban on research that allows the mixing of animal DNA with human DNA. Scientists say it will better help develop therapies to treat human disease. and that it could eventually lead to...

Illinois’ Anti-Conscience Law

Could you imagine a law forcing a Jewish deli owner to tell his customers about the benefits of eating pork and then referring them to a non kosher butcher? Sounds ridiculous but a new law in Illinois does something even worse. It forces doctors, nurses and other...

VP Biden Officiates Gay Marriage Ceremony

On Monday, Vice President Joe Biden officiated a homosexual wedding ceremony of two White House staffers. What's interesting is that Biden considers himself a catholic and yet openly flouts the teaching of his church. Biden's done a similar thing with the...

More on U of L Board Debacle

The chaos in Frankfort over the University of Louisville has to be one of the more exasperating political spectacles we’ve seen in Kentucky over the last few years. Earlier this year, Governor Matt Bevin dissolved a trustee board at UofL that was mired in...

Drugs Dominate the News

If there's one issue that's in the news nearly every day, it has to be illicit drugs. Drug overdoses, drug related crimes, and drug busts fill the pages of our newspapers nearly every day. Why is this? It reveals a crisis of emptiness and brokenness. Empty in...

Lawsuits over School Bathrooms

Remember the letter the U.S. Department of Education sent to public schools saying children have right to determine their own gender? Well, now its led to lawsuits by transgender students who feel they've been discriminated against. A 16-year-old Wisconsin student...

U of L Ramsey Resigns

Last Wednesday, University of Louisville President James Ramsey resigned. Several scandals under his watch, including millions of dollars embezzled by employees, misspent federal dollars, jailed professors and the latest—strippers used to lure recruits to the U...

Missionaries of Secularism Target Judge

A Western Kentucky judge recently landed himself in hot water when the Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF) threatened a lawsuit over his refusal to perform a secular wedding. Trigg County Judge Executive Hollis Alexander was asked to perform nuptials for a...

Missionaries of Secularism Target Trigg County Judge

A far Western Kentucky judge landed himself in hot water earlier this month when the Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF) threatened a lawsuit over his refusal to perform a secular wedding. Trigg County Judge Executive Hollis Alexander was asked to perform nuptials...

Russia on Brink of Olympic Ban

Russia faces a possible ban from this year’s Olympics after a World Anti-Doping Agency report found evidence of a state-sponsored performance-enhancing drugs program. While it may be tempting to dismiss cheating in sports as a less important moral failure, we...

DNC Platform

Today is the first day of the Democratic National Convention where Hillary Clinton will be confirmed as the party's candidate for president. Part of the convention is to approve the party platform and the 2016 Democratic Party platform is unlike anything your...

Compromising the Rule of Law

There's been much talk about the rule of law lately. Part of this idea is that nobody is above the law. However, an outcry ensued when FBI Director James Comey announced earlier this month that he is not pursuing charges against Hillary Clinton for violating...

Doping by Russian’s Bears Heavy Cost

As the world gets ready to watch the summer Olympics in Rio, one country’s path to the games has become controversial. Russia faces a possible ban from this year’s Olympics after a World Anti-Doping Agency report found evidence of a state-sponsored...

The Rule of Law and Racial Reconciliation

The latest murder of three Baton Rouge police officers has rattled our already fragile sense of safety and reminds us—as if we needed reminding—that we live in an age of hatred, a hatred that fuels terror and ends in murder. And the nearly daily dish of...

Racial Reconciliation and Hope

The latest murder of three Baton Rouge police officers has rattled our already fragile sense of safety and reminds us—as if we needed reminding—that we live in an age of hatred, a hatred that fuels terror and ends in murder. And the nearly daily dish of...

RNC Kicks Off in Cleveland

Today, Republicans from across the country will meet in Cleveland as the 2016 Republican National Convention begins. Nearly 5000 delegates and alternate delegates will attend from all 50 states and it looks very possibly to be a contentious week with protests both...

Schools Warned Against Ark Park

The Ark Park opened in Northern Kentucky last week and seems to be a hit with everyone. Everyone that is, except the militant atheist group called the Freedom From Religion Foundation. They're apparently intimidated by the life-size replica of Noah's Ark and...

All Suffer from Racial Divide

Two black men—Alton Sterling and Philando Castille — were murdered by police in Minnesota and Louisiana. In response to the outrage, a sniper attack in Dallas took the lives of five officers. Our country has been rattled… Numb and in...