Scalia’s Death: ‘The Demise of Conservative Hope’

It may not seem becoming to politicize someone’s passing, but the significance of this moment could echo for generations. Scalia had a reputation as a stalwart conservative with a literalist approach to the Constitution. He voted against the Obergefell decision...

4 Takeaways from SB 4

Thursday night, Senate Bill 4 passed the Kentucky House 92-3. This legislation requires women to talk to a professional about her options before she has an abortion. Here are four takeaways: First, political change takes time. The last time the Democratic-controlled...

SB 4 is Pro-life and Pro-woman

Accepted medical ethics requires doctors and nurses to let patients know any risks associated with their treatment. Doctors should, for instance, let you know if a surgery can make you prone to blood clots, or if you won’t be able to lift anything more than 10...