Psychological results of masks for children

Governor Beshear’s controversial mask mandate is ruffling feathers. Critics say he’s defying the rule of law. This is because the Kentucky legislature passed a bill authorizing local school boards, not the governor, to make that decision. The mandate is...

Public Funding of Abortion Stopped

Ever hear of the Hyde Amendment? Unless you keep tabs on the abortion debate you probably haven’t. In short, the Hyde Amendment has been a federal law for decades and says that no federal funds can be used for abortions in the United States. It was sponsored by...

Mask Mandate Challenged by Cameron

Gov. Andy Beshear’s latest mask mandate for public schools hit a wall in the Kentucky state legislature. Beshear disregarded a state law that gave local school boards the authority to decide for themselves whether or not to mask up. Some legislators are now...

Avoid “Fear Porn” Headlines

A headline over at NBC News said: “Exclusive: At least 125,000 fully vaccinated Americans tested positive for COVID.” Another headline at the Washington Post said: “Vaccinated people made up three-quarters of those infected in a massive Massachusetts covid-19...

Louisville man sentenced for inciting riot

A Louisville man is learning that justice will be served if you incite violence. John Subleski led a group of rioters on January 6th to damage property and stop and threaten drivers at gunpoint. He was later arrested. Subleski, the leader of an anti-government and...

Should Ky Schools Mask up?

Should school children be forced to wear masks in the upcoming school year? The vaccine hasn’t been approved yet for kids 12 and under. Older students can possibly spread the virus but its not as dangerous to them as the common flu. Now, Governor Beshear is...

Republican Officials Reject Beshear’s Mask Mandate

The Delta variant of COVID-19 is very contagious, and the positivity rate in Kentucky has increased from 2% to over 8% in the past month. In response, Gov. Beshear is once again mandating masks for all state employees. But four state agencies, led by elected...

Evidence Mounts Against Cuomo

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo is one of the most influential Democratic politicians in the country and is often praised for his pandemic response. But now, a devastating report by the attorney general reveals that Cuomo sexually harassed and assaulted multiple women...

Court Upholds Christian Student Groups 1A Rights

Can Christian student groups require their leaders to uphold Christian doctrine? The answer is obviously yes. Yet, the University of Iowa deregistered two Christian groups for requiring leaders to sign a statement of faith. Thankfully, a federal appeals court ruled...

U.S. Senate Sanctions China for Human Rights Abuses

Chinese citizens have suffered ever since communists took control of the government 70 years ago. But the Uyghurs in the Xinjiang region have suffered human rights abuses like no other. Women have been forcibly sterilized and had forced abortions. They’re under mass...