Politics Won’t Save Us

U.S. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer spoke at a large church in New York City on Easter Sunday and praised recently confirmed Supreme Court Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson. After listing several political accomplishments and racial advancements, Schumer said, “The...

Does Social Media Contribute to Good Health?

Social media and the digital age have contributed much to the concept of the modern self. But we should ask if it’s a healthy concept? Social media makes us the center of the universe where we write the script, put out the most attractive image, and cast the...

Texas ships illegal immigrants to Washington DC

One of the most important jobs of the federal government is to secure our borders in order to ensure that those who are here are citizens or who have permission to be here. However, the federal government has failed miserably at doing this. And it’s only gotten...

Ky Legislature Overrides Beshear Veto of Save Women’s Sports

State Rep. Josie Raymond (D-Louisville) told her fellow legislators that “if the idea of trans children makes you uncomfortable, too bad. Toughen up.” But Raymond didn’t say this to University of Kentucky swimmer Riley Gaines who had to compete against a...

Ky Reduces Income Tax

Tax Day was yesterday, and many of us felt the sting of high taxes. But help is on the way as the Kentucky legislature is putting the Commonwealth on a path to possibly eliminating the state income tax altogether. States that have vibrant economies have moved away...

Easter Monday

Yesterday, many Christians across the commonwealth celebrated the resurrection of the risen Savior Jesus Christ. The story of Easter is about Christ dying on a cross and taking our sins upon himself, and rising from the grave. It’s the great exchange: Jesus...

Good Friday 2022

Happy Good Friday! This is the day when Christians around the world remember the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. So why would anyone call the crucifixion of Jesus, who did nothing wrong—good? It’s because God became man and came to earth on a mission to restore our...

America’s Abortion Divide

Two neighboring states are revealing the deep divide in America over protecting unborn lives. The governor of Colorado signed a bill that creates a “fundamental right” to abortion and contraception. Colorado has unfortunately made it a legal priority to make killing...

Ky General Assembly Veto Override Period

Today begins the two-day Veto Override period in the 2022 General Assembly session. This is when the state legislature can override any of Gov. Andy Beshear’s vetoes of the bills that have made it through both chambers. This is a reminder of important checks and...

Church is Essential

Gov. Andy Beshear signed a bill declaring that churches are essential entities in times of emergency. Ironically this bill came about because churches were considered nonessential during his Covid shutdowns. While Walmart, liquor stores, and casinos were declared...

Beshear Vetos Women’s Sports

Governor Andy Beshear vetoed Senate Bill 83, the Save Women’s Sports Act. This bill would keep biological boys on boys’ sports teams and preserve women’s sports. You could say that Gov. Beshear simply vetoed women’s sports. This is because it...