TN Drag Show Ban Struck Down

A federal district judge struck down Tennessee’s law that banned drag performances in the presence of minors. Judge Thomas Parker ruled that these performances are protected speech. He said, “Whether some of us may like it or not, the Supreme Court has interpreted the...

When Did Baseball Become Political?

June is Pride Month, and it has touched every facet of the public, including America’s favorite pastime, which is now entering the fray. The Los Angeles Dodgers re-invited the anti-Catholic trans group Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence to receive an award at one of...

Texas House impeaches Attorney General Ken Paxton

Despite holding majority control throughout their state government, Texas Republicans are anything but unified. Two weeks ago, the Texas House impeached state Attorney General Ken Paxton. Paxton’s eight-year administration has been plagued by scandal, but recent...

Will Target Respect Sensibilities of All its Customers?

June is a new holiday season for progressive Americans—Pride Month—and Target is celebrating. The retailer has carried pro-LGBT merchandise for over a decade. But customers have found what is new this year to be particularly disturbing: transgender-friendly swimwear...

JPMorgan Called Out Over Accusations of Religious Bias

America’s largest bank just received a warning for discriminating against a group dedicated to preserving religious freedom. JP Morgan Chase closed the account of the National Committee for Religious Freedom with no explanation. Pushback against the banking giant has...

First Transgender Candidate Running for Kentucky House

Is Kentucky ready for a transgender representative in the state legislature? According to a man who identifies as a woman, Emma Curtis, the answer is yes. Curtis is a vocal transgender activist, and is emerging as a leading Democrat candidate to fill Lamin...

CPC Launches Religious Freedom Campaign

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CPC Launches Religious Freedom CampaignDate: June 5, 2023Contact: Richard Nelson – (Frankfort, KY) – In response to the challenges that religious freedom has faced in Kentucky under Governor Andy Beshear’s...