Elite Students Try to Shut Down Opponents

Author and journalist Abigail Shrier spoke at the University of Virginia on what she calls a “trans[gender] epidemic” among teenage girls. Several students listened to her lecture and asked questions, but over one hundred others remained outside and tried to shout...

Abortion Becomes Front and Center Issue in Governor’s Race

Of all the issues in the governor’s race, whether it be the economy, education, or managing state resources, abortion policy is taking center stage. Interestingly pro-abortion Governor Andy Beshear is making it an issue. In the past, Democrats have lost on the...

Is Scholastic Banning Books?

There’s been much talk about so-called book bans at the beginning of this school year. Groups like the American Library Association are hysterical when books are removed from public school libraries. The latest controversy is over Scholastic, the largest...

Last Day to Request Absentee Ballot

Today is the last day to request an absentee ballot. This isn’t to be confused with voting by mail as was available during the Covid shutdown, but rather absentee balloting has been in place for many years. It’s for people who have health and medical...

Human Life is Priceless

The Commonwealth Policy Center held a press conference at the Kentucky Capitol on Thursday. Reminding Kentuckians why so many pro-life laws have been enacted in the last half dozen years. I spoke alongside several legislators as the importance of laws that fully...

Kendi Backlash and inquiry over firing half his staff

Critical Race Theory, which is essentially reverse racism, is a hot topic. Now, one of its biggest proponents, Ibram X. Kendi is facing backlash after he fired more than half his staff at his Center for Antiracist Research at Boston University. Kendi claims a change...

Utah Sues TikTok Over Addictive Inducing to Minors

Utah is suing TikTok and is charging the addictive social media app for luring children in for hours on end with its algorithmic content. The lawsuit cited public health concerns, such as the fact that children who spend three hours a day on social media are twice as...

Johnston, RI Reinstalls Christopher Columbus Statue

A statue of Christopher Columbus was taken down in Providence, Rhode Island after it was vandalized. But now it’s found a new home. The neighboring town of Johnston welcomed it on Columbus Day last week. While many cities are rejecting our Western heritage,...

Harvard Students’ Heartless Response to Israel

Several student groups at Harvard University sparked outrage after they issued a statement supporting Palestinian attacks against the State of Israel. The students say they hold “the Israeli regime entirely responsible for all unfolding violence.” In all of their...