Looking for Abortion Truth in Big Media

Image: Bill Kerr, Flickr, License CC 2.0 As a general rule, I don’t think conservatives should constantly harp about the bias of mainstream news. That’s not because I think the bias isn’t there (it absolutely is, as anyone who watches 1 hour of...

The Phantom Females of Ashley Madison

I wasn’t planning to write about the Ashley Madison hack. For one thing, the story is its own proverb: Secrets have a way of spilling. For another, it’s difficult to find a moral angle on the story that doesn’t make me either sympathethic to...

Nelson: Supreme Court rule will affect marriage

Glasgow Daily Times, August 21, 2015 publication Richard Nelson, founder and executive director of the Commonwealth Policy Center, told the group of people who came Thursday evening to hear him at Immanuel Baptist Church that our culture is in a moral freefall and in...

Mobile Gambling

Just as the growth of internet gambling has grown through fantasy sports gambling, so also mobile gambling has grown.  Technically the UGEIA of 2006 prohibits such gambling, but the Attorney General’s Office has chosen not to enforce the law, so mobile...

I Protested Planned Parenthood

twitter.com/seanperron I asked my friend Sean Perron to write about Saturday’s Planned Parenthood protest. Sean works for the Association of Certified Biblical Counselors. He blogs atUnspoken.  By Sean Perron Friday night my wife and I shook up the car...

Just A Click Away

There are not many things that a person cannot do these days through the internet. Bills can be paid, jobs can be applied for, and groceries can even be bought without ever leaving the comforts of home. Kentucky Secretary of State Alison Grendel Grimes would like to...

Clear Violation

In 2007, former Kentucky attorney general and current Speaker of the House Greg Stumbo filed a suit against former Governor Ernie Fletcher over a “clear violation” of the law. The violation? The state's public university boards were becoming too...

At Planned Parenthood, Beating Hearts Are Stopped

The newest video from the Center for Medical Progress is a horror beyond a nightmare. Holly O’Donnell, an ex-”procurement technician” who worked to “harvest” fetal parts for Planned Parenthood, testifies that she witnessed nearly-intact...

Religious Freedom for All

More than two years ago, the Bowling Green Daily News ran a story about the growing Muslim population in their city. Arriving from over 23 countries around the world, Bowling Green has one of the highest populations of Muslim refugees in the state. According to the...

Is There Room in the Commonwealth for Conscience?

“Conscience is the most sacred of all property,” said our fourth president James Madison. This proposition by the architect of the U.S. Constitution was cast aside by Federal District Judge David Bunning and dismissed by a Lexington Herald-Leader editorial...

The Time Is Now

Sometimes not doing the right thing can be just as telling as doing what should be done. The United States Senate's recent inability to pass legislation which would have barred all federal funding of Planned Parenthood has to be viewed as failure of monumental...

Changing The Game

It is difficult to win a game if the rules keep changing, and that would appear to be the scenario now facing Kentucky's once-thriving coal industry. In a new plan released by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Kentucky is now expected to reduce carbon...

Tinder Mercies Or, How Porn Destroyed Sex

“Online Romance” by Don Hankins, Flickr, Licensed under CC 2.0 You’ve probably already seen the Vanity Fair piece on how the dating/hookup app Tinder is changing “mating rituals” for young Americans. The article is harsh...

Three Cheers for the Homeschoolers

Photo: By Regstuff, Wikimedia Commons, Licensed under CC 3.0 When you hear the word “homeschool,” what do you think? Do you think of underground bunkers filled with fringe evangelical families trying avoid any infecting contact with the outside world?...

I Don’t Know if I’m Pro-Choice Anymore

Photo: Christine Szeto, Flickr, licensed under CC 2.0 Your must read of the day is by Ruben Navarrette Jr. at The Daily Beast . His confession: Being pro-choice in the face of the Planned Parenthood videos  is “getting harder to...

Let the Cameras Roll

Remember those old hidden camera commercials where the caffeinated coffee was switched out for the decaf? Or how about old episodes of Candid Camera? On a more serious note, who hasn't watched a hidden camera report on 20/20 or Dateline? Apparently, if hidden...

Planned Parenthood and the Morality of a Budget

This week, the Center for Medical Progress released their fifth secretly recorded video, uncovering further the ghastly nature of a business underwritten by the American people to the tune of $500 million dollars a year. The hopes of exposing atrocities and shaking up...

Press Release: Time to Defund Planned Parenthood

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE State of Kentucky Should Sever Ties with Planned Parenthood DATE: August 4, 2015 CONTACT: Richard Nelson PHONE: (270) 271-2713 Cadiz, KY—The Planned Parenthood scandal involving marketing and selling the human remains of unborn babies is...

KY House GOP Denounces Planned Parenthood Funding

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Statement Regarding Use of Public Funds for Planned Parenthood Programs in Kentucky FRANKFORT, Ky. (August 3, 2015) – “Last week, after repeated requests for information, a high-ranking official with the Kentucky Cabinet for Health...