Gov. Bevin Stands with Hands on Originals

Blaine Adamson, the T-shop printer in Lexington has been dragged through the court system for six years, Why? Simply for refusing to print a message that violated his religious beliefs. Adamson is now in the Kentucky Supreme Court defending his First Amendment...

President’s Day

Today is President's Day and at a time when confidence in political leadership may be at an all-time low, it's good to celebrate the courage and conviction of leaders who've demonstrated statesmanship. Abraham Lincoln our 16th president held the Union...

Sex-selection abortion

A government report out of India shows there are 63 million missing girls. No, they weren't kidnapped. They've been aborted simply because they were female. Males are more highly valued in India and it's leading to a gender imbalance that is becoming quite...

Legislation Dealing with Immorality

Over 400 bills have been proposed in the Kentucky General Assembly this year and there's an interesting thread that runs through many of the high-profile bills. Here are a few issues they address: the opioid crisis, human trafficking, child abuse, revenge porn,...

Gambling to Save the Pension

Kentucky’s pension system is broken. So how should it be fixed? According to 13 Republican House members, casinos are the answer.  They’re saying that all of the revenue would go to the state pension fund. Somehow we’re made to believe that the...

God is there in the Good and Bad

Philadelphia is basking in its first Super Bowl victory and fans are rejoicing and celebrating. This contrasts with a very different emotion experienced by a Kentucky community gripped by tragedy. I'm talking about Marshall County, where 14 students were shot and...

Changing the Culture

Have you ever been discouraged over the news and felt helpless that there's nothing you can do to change things?  You may be just one person but there are things you can do. In fact, there are things each of us can do and it begins with small and deliberate...

Revenge Porn Bill

Some policy issues are tough to talk about in public. Pornography is one of those issues. It's the 800 pound gorilla in the room. But headlines dealing with porn confront us on a daily basis. The latest news is from the Kentucky State House which is seeking to...

Sasse’s Speech on Life

Nebraska Senator Ben Sasse delivered an impassioned pro-life speech and said  "We all start in the same place: vulnerable and dependent in every way. We all ooh and aah over sonogram pictures of our children, our grandchildren, our nieces and...


Cecile Richards abruptly resigned from Planned Parenthood—the nation's biggest abortion business.  Of course, Planned Parenthood has been under investigation by the FBI for allegedly selling baby body parts. As a result several states, including...

Kentucky Prisons

Kentucky's prisons are full. In fact, we have the 9th highest incarceration rate in the nation. On top of it, we're seeing the prison population increase even though the national prison population is declining. According to the Justice Reinvestment Work Group,...

Cannabis Legislation SB 80

Is legalizing pot for recreational use the way to grow an economy? According to State Sen. Dan Seum, the answer is yes. Seum said “It’s out there.  We’re using it anyway.  We might as well reap the harvest so to speak.” He...

Abstinence Education in Public Schools

The Kentucky legislature is considering a bill that says wherever sex-ed is taught in the public schools they should teach abstinence until marriage as the ideal for human sexuality.  It may go against the culture of sexual permissiveness but our children should...

Kentucky Kids Need a New Message on Sex-Ed

Kentucky ranks 44th in teen pregnancy. Sexually transmitted disease (STD) are at an all-time high. And one in four women will have had an abortion by age 45. These statistics point to broken sexuality but a recently proposed bill helps high schoolers avoid the...

School Shooting

Last Tuesday morning Marshall County High School should have been a typical school day. There should have been teenaged voices in the halls and sophomores and juniors scurrying off to class. But instead, at 7:57, shots rang out and struck 20 students. Two 15-year olds...

Foster Care Supported

One of the areas that escaped cuts in the recent state budget proposal was foster care. In fact, the governor proposed the creation of a new adoption and foster care program funded at $11 million. Gov. Bevin said "you think of the role of government and its there...

Praying for Marshall County

Tuesday morning at Marshall County High School started out as a typical school day. Sophomores and juniors carrying books and backpacks scurried down the halls. Teachers were settling in for another day as lively voices filled the classrooms. But at 7:57 a.m. shots...

A New Approach to a Healthy Kentucky

Kentucky became the first state in the nation to receive a federal waiver to require able-bodied Medicaid recipients to work, go to school, or engage in community service at least 20-hours per week. This is a major change to the Medicaid program. The plan is to...

Medicaid Reform

Since 2014, nearly a half-million Kentuckians joined the Medicaid rolls since the Affordable Care Act lowered the participation threshold. Today, one out of every three Kentuckians are on Medicaid, which begs the question: is it a policy achievement to have more...

Bevin’s Budget Address

Governor Bevin started his budget address with the famous words of Thomas Paine. In 1776 Paine said "These are the times that try men's souls…."  The analogy is clear. Kentucky is in difficult and trying financial times. His budget proposal...