Is Posting Test Scores Akin to a Scarlet Letter?

Kentucky’s state budget includes a provision that requires public school test scores to be posted on each school district’s website. The idea is to let parents know how well their child’s school is performing. But State Rep. Tina Bojanowski (D-Louisville),...

GOP Attempts to Help Student Debt Crisis

A new bill in the U.S. House of Representatives aims to help relieve our nation’s student loan debt crisis, which is moving toward an accumulated $2 trillion. The College Cost Reduction Act would limit the amount of money undergraduate students can borrow to $50,000,...

CPC Candidate Training 2024

2024 is a major election year. While most are focused on the presidential race that will take place in November, we forget that there are many opportunities for local political service. School board, city council, and county government seats are one way to serve....

Nearly 5,000 Christians Martyred in 2023

Nearly 5,000 Christians were martyred for their faith in 2023. And more than 365 million Christians faced brutal persecution according to a recent report by Open Doors Christian charity. This means that globally, 1 out of every 7 Christians faced persecution for their...

Proposed Constitutional Amendment Would Allow School Choice

A new bill in the Kentucky House of Representatives would put education freedom on the ballot this November. House Bill 208 proposes a constitutional amendment that would open the door for parents to have greater educational choices for their children. Critics argue...

Proposal Makes Unborn Children Eligible for Child Support

A proposal in the Kentucky House of Representatives would allow mothers to claim child support for their unborn child. The bill’s sponsor, Rep. Amy Neighbors (R-Edmonton), said that her proposal would help new mothers and the many financial challenges they face all on...

Florida Legislator Seeks to Remove Rainbow Flags

A bill proposed in the Florida House of Representatives would ban the display of LGBT Pride flags in public schools. The law would prevent any flag from a “racial, sexual orientation and gender, or political ideology viewpoint.” The bill’s sponsor, Rep. David Borrero...

Ky House Republicans Propose Budget

Kentucky House Republicans recently proposed a $124.8 billion budget to fund Kentucky for the next two years. The budget includes more funding for public schools, infrastructure, substance abuse prevention, and many other projects. State Rep. Jason Petrie, who led the...

Abortion Bans Lead to Increased birth rates

Kentucky’s birth rate increased 3.4% last year, and it’s being attributed to the state’s ban on abortion. In practical terms, this means that an additional 1,762 babies were born that would not have been born. Think about that for a moment. A total of...

Ky Legislation Empowers KY Voters

Two bills proposed in the state Senate aim to empower Kentucky voters. Senate Bill 8 calls for elections for members of the Kentucky Board of Education. As it is, members are currently appointed by the Governor, which makes this important decision making body more...

HB 45 Proposes Ban on Surveillance, Chip Implants

A bill proposed in the Kentucky legislature limits the use of technology that can be used for spying on people. The bill limits the police from collecting data by drones and cameras. It also also bans the possible implantation of microchips under the skin and it makes...

Student Wins in Fight to Share Constitutions on College Campus

A California community college graduate has settled a lawsuit that will end limits on free speech on campus. Kevin Shaw wanted to pass out copies of the U.S. Constitution on campus grounds, but school officials told him that he could only do it in a designated “free...

Human Trafficking Awareness Day 2024

Today is Human Trafficking Awareness Day. The theme is “to reach every victim of trafficking, leave no one behind.” One of 2023’s top movies was called the Sound of Freedom, and it brought attention to the human trafficking trade. It shed light on...

Claudine Gay Resigns as Harvard President

Claudine Gay resigned as President of Harvard University after serving only six months on the job. It’s the shortest tenure in the university’s history. Gay came under fire after she refused to clearly condemn antisemitic protests on campus. She also plagiarized...

Illegal Immigrants Overwhelm Chicago and NYC

The mayors of New York and Chicago are exasperated about the crisis of illegal immigrants flooding into their cities. Millions have crossed our southern border, and in the last 18 months some 100,000 have pushed into New York City. Another 30,000 illegal immigrants...

Backlash Against State Supreme Courts Removing Trump from Ballot

The state Supreme Courts of Colorado and Maine have removed Donald Trump from their ballots. Both courts claim that Trump cannot run for office because of his statements casting doubt on the 2020 election. Regardless of whether or not Trump is telling the truth, the...

Americans Moving to Southern Red States

Americans are increasingly leaving liberal states for conservative ones. Since 2020, New York, Illinois, and California have seen the greatest exodus across their borders. It’s no coincidence that these states have higher taxes and higher rates of crime. In contrast,...

Calls to Ky Gambling Hotline Triple

Gambling on sporting events is now legal in Kentucky. Since the first bets were placed on sporting events on September 7, calls to Kentucky’s gambling addiction hotline have tripled. Many who gamble on sports simply view it as fun and harmless entertainment, but...