Who can you trust?

Charles Spurgeon once noted, "A lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes."  It’s a fitting analogy for the world we live in, a world where we must be eternally vigilant in our quest for truth and trust...

When the intolerant craft tolerance policy

Would you consult Congress for tips on how to live within your means and get out of debt?  Would you ask Rush Limbaugh for tips on humility?  Would you tap the wisdom of Lindsay Lohan for insight into self-control?  If so, you can stop reading now and...

President praises Planned Parenthood

In the face of troubling new revelations by Planned Parenthood, the President on Friday boldly proclaimed his unwavering support for the nation's largest abortion provider.  It seems supporters of abortion have always meticulously avoided the question of when...

Hope in troubled times

Our hearts go out to the victims of senseless violence.  We bristle at the cruelty of the perpetrators, and we desperately search for a solution and safety for our own loved ones.  But how?  How do we ensure such safety. As congress debates gun control,...

Not all violence and blood treated the same by media

Blood stains, severed limbs, the taking of innocent human life. Every one of us is horrified by last Monday's terrorist attack in Boston, but what I just described is another case of cold-blooded killing that the national media has neglected to report. It is the...

Media shows bias in reporting on violence

Blood stains, severed limbs, the taking of innocent human life. Our nation is horrified by the terrorist attack in Boston yesterday, but what I just described is another case of cold-blooded killing that the national media has neglected to report. It is of the trial...

GOP will go up in smoke if it becomes party of pot

Dear editor, David Adams op-ed: The GOP should be the party of cannabis, likens prohibition of drug use with an assault on liberty. His argument is predicated on the definition of liberty. If liberty means that one can do whatever they want without restraint then...

Sequestration not so bad

One week post sequestration, and the sky hasn't fallen.  In fact, it would appear crow is on the menu in Washington, as many of the dire pre-sequestration predictions are proving to be little more than political scare tactics, exaggerations, and even out...

GOP incumbents on Dem chopping block

State House Democrats on the State Government Committee demonstrated exceptional solidarity on HB 2–the Incumbent Protection Plan otherwise known as the redistricting bill. What they could not achieve at the ballot box last November they accomplished by...

Pro-life bills die in House Committee

In the last 24 hours, Kentucky House Democrats voted to kill three bills that would protect and elevate the sanctity of human life. Another bill they supported would potentially suck the life out of many more who made it out of the womb–expanded gambling at the...

Academic Genocide

Kentucky Education Commissioner Terry Holiday ruffled a few feathers last week when he likened the persistently failing Louisville schools to "academic genocide."  This is no verbal bomb thrown by a right winger. Rather, its a shot across the bow from...

Boy Scouts face mountain of ideological uniformity

The organization known for inculcating values in young boys and teaching them survival skills is facing the biggest challenge in its 103-year existence: ideological uniformity. Climbing Mount Everest and winter campouts appear tame in the context of a culture at war...

Scouts honor?

A bombshell of abuse and cover up dropped on the Boy Scouts of America last October when secret files revealed 1200 cases of sexual abuse perpetrated by Scout masters. The abuse was documented from 1960 to 1985 and occurred across the United States. The...