Voter Fraud and the Spirit of America

Voter Fraud and the Spirit of America We live in an age where society has grown to distrust its political leaders. From Bridgegate in New Jersey to the email scandals of former Secretary Clinton, the ability to take leaders at their word seems like an all-time...

On Hearings and Being Heard

Last Tuesday Cecil Richards appeared before the House Oversight Committee to deliberate about the use of taxpayer funds for her organization, Planned Parenthood. The organization came under fire when videos released by the Center for Medical Progress uncovered the...

A New Day

In a little over a year, Kentuckians will have the opportunity to once again shape the political landscape in Washington, D.C. Long-time U.S. Representative Ed Whitfield announced Tuesday that he will not seek re-election to a 12th term in Congress. The long-time...

CPC Launches Radio Commentaries

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Commonwealth Policy Center Launches Daily Radio Commentaries DATE: September 24, 2015 CONTACT: Richard Nelson PHONE: (270) 271-2713 Cadiz, KY—The Commonwealth Policy Center (CPC) is launching daily commentaries to help Kentuckians better...

Fight The Fear

Thomas Jefferson once said, “Every government degenerates when trusted to the rulers of the people alone. The people themselves are its only safe depositories.” According to a recent Gallup poll, nearly half of all Americans share the same sentiment....

Separating Church and State, Not God from Government

September 17 marks the 228th anniversary of the signing of the U.S. Constitution. It’s the longest surviving constitution among nations today, perhaps because it protects basic human rights, secures individual liberty and provides checks and balances from an...

Russell Moore on Evangelicals and Donald Trump

  Russell Moore The strongest word yet on evangelicals and Donald Trump comes from Russell Moore this morning in The New York Times. Here’s an excerpt: We should not demand to see the long-form certificate for Mr. Trump’s second birth....

Going to Church, Skipping Donald Trump

Keith Miller writes a very helpful piece for The Federalist, demonstrating that reports of evangelical support for Donald Trump don’t quite say what you might think. Among the 40 percent of GOP primary voters who say they are evangelical or born again,...

Wanted: Journalists Not Beholden to Planned Parenthood

The tenth video by the Center for Medical Progress doesn’t contain any jarring imagery of mangled infants or bloody petri dishes. But it may be one of the most damning yet. Most of the video contains dialogue from Planned Parenthood officials, as well as other...

The Pension Problem

Kentucky is facing a serious pension problem. According to The Courier Journal, the Kentucky Retirement Systems for public employees has reported unfunded liabilities of approximately $17 billion. The Kentucky Teachers' Retirement System has approximately $14...

Count Your Blessings

It has been relatively easy lately to be down on America. Between the plight of Kim Davis, the ongoing revelations concerning Planned Parenthood, and the millions of adulterers exposed by the Ashley Madison hack, there are plenty of reasons a person could choose to...

Kim Davis: Prisoner of Conscience

After spending several days abroad and purposely disconnected from any news, I was startled upon returning to learn of the jailing of Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis. I was aware of the possibility, but jail? Really? Perhaps my return flight landed me in the wrong...

Taking Prisoners: The Tale of Kim Davis

On Thursday, September 3rd Federal District Judge David Bunning held Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis in contempt of court for her refusal as County Clerk to issue any marriage license after the Supreme Court ruled in favor of redefined marriage. Citing her Christian...

Millions of Reasons

If ever there were a sign that respect for the institution of marriage has dwindled and that our perception of sexuality is running amok, it is the sheer number of men whose names have now surfaced as adulterers thanks to the Ashley Madison hack. The impact of the...

No Spin For the Truth

The ongoing saga of Planned Parenting is enough to make a person dizzy. The organization is now claiming videos revealing its officials discussing harvesting organs from aborted children were heavily edited and deceptive. Never mind that a story trumpeting the...

Thoughts on Trump

Open your Twitter account, follow any number of politicos, and you’ll see that Donald Trump is currently all the rage. His surge in the polls is one of the more fascinating political stories in decades. Even among evangelical voters, Trump has found a friend. If...

Looking for Abortion Truth in Big Media

Image: Bill Kerr, Flickr, License CC 2.0 As a general rule, I don’t think conservatives should constantly harp about the bias of mainstream news. That’s not because I think the bias isn’t there (it absolutely is, as anyone who watches 1 hour of...

Mobile Gambling

Just as the growth of internet gambling has grown through fantasy sports gambling, so also mobile gambling has grown.  Technically the UGEIA of 2006 prohibits such gambling, but the Attorney General’s Office has chosen not to enforce the law, so mobile...

Nelson: Supreme Court rule will affect marriage

Glasgow Daily Times, August 21, 2015 publication Richard Nelson, founder and executive director of the Commonwealth Policy Center, told the group of people who came Thursday evening to hear him at Immanuel Baptist Church that our culture is in a moral freefall and in...