Election Today!

Well, we made it. After a long political season with endless campaign ads, political rhetoric, and record spending, election day is finally here. So have you ever thought about why elections are so contested? Why people spend so much time and energy to get their...

Election Tomorrow

Tomorrow is election day. While many issues are at stake, have you ever stopped to think about what it is you’re voting for? Are you voting because you believe the government should provide health insurance or free college education? Or does the issue of the...

Censorship at Amazon

At the height of Black Lives Matters protests, Amazon Prime promised to “Amplify Black Voices.” They should have said they’d only amplify certain black voices. Shelby Steele, a respected author, university professor, and screenwriter produced a documentary...

Pope Francis Endorses Civil Unions

Pope Francis publicly endorsed civil unions—the legal recognition of homosexual couples. This is the first time Frances has recommended homosexual relationships to be recognized by the government and its causing a stir amongst the Catholic community. Catholic teaching...

Voting Underway in Kentucky

The election is one week from today, but unlike other elections, this one has been stretched out to nearly a month with mail-in balloting and early in-person voting taking place in every Kentucky county.  The idea is to spread out the voting process over the next...

Ballots Discovered in Louisville

The left idealizes mail-in balloting as a way to get more people to vote. The political right has warned of potential voter fraud. A discovery in Louisville substantiates the latter’s concern. A contractor in Eastern Jefferson County discovered 112 unopened...

Twitter Taking Sides in Presidential Race

A blockbuster story in the New York Post showed that Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden facilitated a meeting with his son, Hunter, and Ukrainian officials, something Biden has denied. Now, Twitter is blocking people from that information. Users who click on...

World Health Organization Rejects Covid Lockdowns

The World Health Organization’s (WHO) COVID-19 expert told world leaders they should stop “using lockdowns as [their] primary control method.” Dr. David Nabarro said lockdowns shouldn’t be the primary means to control the virus. He said the only time lockdown is...

Cultural Marxism Twisting of Language

Amy Coney Barrett has been in the hot seat. Democrats in the U.S. Senate are grilling her in her confirmation hearings for the U.S. Supreme Court. Barrett is well qualified and has a brilliant legal mind and Democratic Senators are finding it difficult to find grounds...

Voting Underway in Kentucky

Early voting is in full swing across the Commonwealth. The number of polling places is fewer but there are many more days to vote. The idea is to spread out in-person voting over the next three weeks to slow the spread of coronavirus. More Kentuckians have opted to...