LGBT Pride Month

Have you noticed the rainbow flag showing up on your social media site and at your favorite store? That’s because the month of June has been designated as LGBT Pride Month and is now officially proclaimed by President Biden. What started out as a day turned into a...

Biden’s Budget – Hyde Amendment

Pres. Joe Biden is delivering on his campaign promise to remove the Hyde Amendment from his proposed federal budget. The Hyde Amendment forbids federal funds from being used to pay for abortions. Throughout his long political career, Biden supported the Hyde...

TN Bans Critical Race Theory in Public Schools

Are you concerned about what your children are taught in school? Maybe they’ve been learning that America is irredeemably racist? Well, that won’t happen in Tennessee. That’s because they’ve become the latest state to ban what is known as...

Americans Paying Down Credit Card Debt

A Proverb says that the borrower is a slave to the lender. This is especially true for those trapped in the cycle of credit card debt. But some good news from a survey done by WalletHub reports that Americans are paying down their consumer debt at record levels. In...

SCOTUS Ruling on Unwarranted Searches and Seizures

The Supreme Court unanimously ruled that your home is safe from warrantless searches and seizures by the police. The case involved the confiscation of a man’s guns after a heated conflict between a husband and wife. A lower court previously ruled that police could...

Court Keeps Dorms, Showers Open to Opposite Sex

The consequences of the Biden Presidency have been felt in all areas of our lives. Many warned that his executive order on so-called LGBT “discrimination” would harm religious Americans, especially religious colleges. And they were right. A U.S. District Judge upheld...

Gov. Beshear Committed to Fighting Human Trafficking

Gov. Andy Beshear announced a $1 million federal grant to study human trafficking in Kentucky. Beshear made the fight against trafficking a priority while attorney general and said he’s “always made seeking justice for victims and fighting human...

Memorial Day 2021

Today we celebrate Memorial Day—where we honor those who died while serving our country. It first began just after the Civil War ended, and our nation began the healing process from the bloodiest war in history that left some 600,000 dead. We also remember the men and...

Neuroscientist Removed from APA Email List

The American Psychological Association (APA) removed a Duke University neuroscience professor from their email discussion group for believing there are only two sexes. Dr. John Staddon, a neuroscience professor at Duke University, was told that “others have...

Mandatory Vaccines for Students

As COVID vaccines are widely available to adults and will soon become available to children, one question arises for public schools: Should students be required to receive the vaccine before they come back to class? The Foundation for a Healthy Kentucky found that...

Human Trafficking Grant

The U.S. Department of Justice awarded Kentucky $1 million for a two-year study on human trafficking in the Commonwealth. According to University of Louisville Professor Jennifer Middleton, one of the most alarming things about child trafficking “is that it is...