Why Are Cubans Protesting? The Answer Should be Obvious

The commentator at NPR asked, “Why are Cubans protesting in the streets?” The answer should be obvious to all except for those on the far left that esteem authoritarian governments that promise to provide everything for citizens. Free healthcare, free housing, free...

SCOTUS Rules for Privacy, Strikes Blow Against Cancel Culture

Non-profit organizations, like the Commonwealth Policy Center, received good news in a recent US Supreme Court ruling. In a 6-3 decision, the Supreme Court struck down a California law that required nonprofits to disclose their largest donors. The problem with the law...

Sunrise Finally Awarded State Contract

Gov. Beshear and his Administration have finally agreed to sign a new contract with Sunrise Children’s Services. The state tried to force Sunrise to violate its religious beliefs, but after 22 months and with help from the recent Supreme Court ruling in Fulton v....

Women’s Health Protection Act Introduced by Democrats

Kentucky’s strong laws protecting human life could come to an end, if Democrats had their way in Congress. Democrats in the U.S. Senate reintroduced the Women’s Health Protection Act, which would invalidate all state pro-life laws relating to abortion and would...

Louisville Police Officer Reinstated

A Louisville police officer has returned to duty after being placed on leave for 4 months. So what led to Officer Matthew Schrenger’s forced leave? He simply prayed outside the Louisville abortion clinic while off-duty. LMPD sent the officer a list of potential...

Jack Phillips

Do you remember Jack Phillips? He’s the Colorado baker who successfully defended his right to not bake a same-sex wedding cake before the U.S. Supreme Court. Well, Phillips has been targeted once again by LGBT activists and is in court once again. This time he refused...

Mumford & Sons Member Cancelled

Cancel culture has found its latest victim: a band member of Mumford & Sons. Winston Marshall announced he is leaving the band because he refuses to “self-censor.” In March, he Tweeted his appreciation for a book that exposes the inner workings of Antifa, a...

Youngest Premature Baby Celebrates First Birthday

The world’s youngest premature baby to survive just turned a year old. Richard Scott William Hutchinson was just 21 weeks old, could fit in the palm of your hand, and was given a 0 percent chance to live but defied the odds. He is now listed in the Guinness Book of...

Beshear’s Covid Contradictions

Gov. Beshear’s COVID-19 economic shutdown led to thousands going on unemployment. As expected, many enjoyed receiving an income without having to work. Now there’s a crisis as businesses cannot find workers. There are currently over 100,000 jobs in Kentucky that...

The Crumbling of a Civilization

The high-rise condominium that recently collapsed in Miami has been called the deadliest accidental building collapse in American history. Three years ago a consultant found alarming “major structural damage” and “abundant” cracking and crumbling of the condo’s...