Supreme Court Rules Upholds Religious Liberty

Two recent Supreme Court rulings shore up Americans’ right to religious freedom. First, the Court decided in favor of Gerald Groff, a postman who lost his job because the Postal Service refused to let him take Sundays off as a day of rest and worship. A unanimous...

Is a Child Care Apocalypse Is Coming?

According to the Kentucky Center for Economic Policy, a childcare apocalypse is coming. They refer to the fact that Kentucky childcare centers have received $1 billion in federal COVID-19 relief funding, but it’s about to run out. They also point out that Kentucky is...

Nevada Forces Insurance Companies to Cover Sex-Changes

Republican state leaders from across the nation, including here in Kentucky, have passed laws which protect young children against harmful and life-altering hormones and sex-change surgeries. But the Republican governor of Nevada is taking a different approach:...

Supreme Court Strikes Down Affirmative Action

Affirmative action at colleges and universities is now history. The US Supreme Court ruled that the race-based admissions policies at Harvard University and the University of North Carolina are unconstitutional. That means that colleges must admit students based on...

JCPS Teachers Bussed Students to Protest SB 150

According to a recent open records request by Kentucky Today, Jefferson County Public School teachers played a major role in mobilizing their students to skip class and protest a bill at the state Capitol. On March 29, public school buses were parked outside the State...

Happy Independence Day!

Today is Independence Day. 247 years ago today America’s founders declared independence from England when 56 men came together in Philadelphia to sign their names to one of the greatest political documents ever written. The Declaration of Independence listed the...

LGBT Books in Oldham County Library

The culture war over controversial books in America’s libraries has arrived in Oldham County, where the library features LGBTQ children’s books. Titles include “Queer Ducks,” which is about homosexual animals, and “Different for Boys,” a...

Kentucky’s Dismal Academic Progress

The Annie E. Casey Foundation reported that 69 percent of Kentucky’s fourth graders fail to read at grade level, 79 percent of eighth graders are not proficient in math, and nearly one in ten aren’t graduating on time. Altogether, Kentucky ranks 29th...