Creating the Perfect Baby

Researchers at the Oregon Health and Sciences University have successfully created genetically-modified human embryos. Their purpose is to stop genetic abnormalities from being passed on from parents to children. This might sound good, but we should ask if this is...

Charlie Gard

Little Charlie Gard has died. His parents did their best fighting on behalf of their 11 month old to receive the experimental treatment they thought might save his life. But a British court blocked them from doing so. The court saw Charlie's case as hopeless....

Politicizing Baseball

Major League baseball teams often host fan appreciation nights.  It may be for members of our armed forces, the law enforcement community or just for kids. Now these special nights have become politicized by celebrating LGBT Pride. In New York, some of the...

ACLU Sues Bevin Over Social Media Policy

The ACLU of Kentucky is suing Gov. Bevin over his social media policy. They're angry that Gov. Bevin has blocked users from his news feeds. ACLU attorney William Sharp said, “The First Amendment does not allow the government to exclude speakers from a public...

Abortion Protest in Louisville

Pro-lifers from across the country have convened in Louisville to protest Kentucky's last remaining abortion clinic. EMW Women's Clinic in downtown Louisville performs thousands of these life-ending procedures every year and the pro-life community is working...

Important Questions in the Transgender Debate

Envision a hospital delivery room a few years from now.  After hours of work, a baby cries for the first time as the people in the room celebrate a new life.  After the baby’s vital signs are checked, the doctor works on the birth certificate. ...

Trump’s New Transgender Policy for U.S. Troops

Pres. Trump announced that the U.S. military will not accept transgender troops into its ranks or allow them to serve in any capacity. This is a quick about-face from a policy instituted by Barack Obama. Last year, Obama opened up the military to openly transgendered...

Questioning Transgenderism

Pres. Trump's tweet barring transgendered persons from serving in the military caught everyone off guard, including policy makers who are still trying to figure out exactly what it means. As we navigate the minefields of this highly charged issue there's...

MN Teachers Forced to Use Trans-affirming Pronouns

Nowhere is the culture war as evident in the controversy over transgender rights. In Minnesota, new guidelines were issued to public school teachers ordering them to call children by the pronoun of their choice. This means that boys who identify as girls should be...

Time for Pastors to Stand

Did you know that many pastors played a pivotal role in the colonist's battle for independence in the 1770's?  British soldiers called them the Black Robe Regiment because it was customary for preachers to wear a black robe while preaching in that...

Bevin’s Home Deal & Politicized Journalism

The Executive Branch Ethics Commission (EBEC) cleared Gov. Bevin of any wrongdoing involving a deal on a home by a campaign donor but considering the way the Louisville Courier-Journal trotted out the story since it broke earlier this year, its uncertain they'll...

Beshear Must Make Decision

The Executive Branch Ethics Commission told Attorney General Andy Beshear that if he plans to run for governor in 2019, he should stop directly investigating Governor Matt Bevin.  The Commission said that if any investigations are needed, an outside investigator...

Opioid Crisis

It's almost in the news daily: opioid overdoses across Kentucky. Opiods are supposed to be pain killers but our state is suffering because of widespread abuse. The governor just launched a campaign to raise awareness and stem the flow of drugs. But cutting off the...

Calling Out News Media Bias

Kentucky Today called out liberal bias against conservatives in the news media. They go on to say " until now, there was nothing that [conservative politicians] could do about it. Social media has evened the playing field so that politicians can strike back....

Unbalanced Journalism

A news story criticized  the governor's recent board appointment to the executive branch ethics commission. They didn't like that the appointee made a donation to his campaign. They also implied that since the commission is made up of a majority of his...

Influencing the State and Our Interdependence

The Commonwealth Policy Center covers stories from all across Kentucky. Sometimes people ask why they should care about something that happens in another part of the state?   The answer is simple. What happens in one part of Kentucky affects all of Kentucky....

Sinking the Ark Encounter?

The Ark Encounter celebrated its first anniversary this month but critics complain its message and argue that it shouldn't get a tax break from the state. Last year a federal court ruled that Answers in Genesis, the group behind the park, is entitled to...