Cowboys Kneel during Anthem

Last week the entire Dallas Cowboy football team, together with team owner Jerry Jones, locked arms and knelt before the performance of the national anthem. This was on nationally televised Monday Night Football and its angered what many fans see as disrespect for the...

College Basketball Scandal

University of Louisville basketball coach Rick Pitino has been fired. The U of L program was caught up in an FBI investigation involving bribery of recruits. This is the latest scandal involve Pitino and his basketball program. Just a few years ago, it was caught...


On the way to do my early morning radio show the other day, I couldn't help but admire how beautiful the sun was. Just above the horizon, it appeared larger than usual and had a beautiful yellow glow. It was stunning. The humidity has now dropped off and the air...

Court Strikes Down Kentucky’s Ultrasound Law

Kentucky's ultrasound law has been struck down. While legal challenges to abortion laws are not surprising, U.S. District Judge David Hale's reasoning was.  He said the law that forces abortionists to provide a sonogram to women seeking an abortion...

Gov. Bevin Calls on Prayer for Students

Today, Gov. Matt Bevin is calling on Kentuckians to pray for students. He issued a proclamation calling for prayer that says. All citizens, including the faith community of Kentucky, are invited to pray for “our schools, teachers and administrators for...

Lawmakers Call for Legalization of Casinos

Everyone knows that Kentucky's pension system is in a crisis. So what's the solution? According to two lawmakers: its casino gambling. Reps. Rick Rand and Dennis Keene filed a bill to change the constitution to allow casino gambling into Kentucky. They promise...

New Gambling Venture Proposed

Churchill Downs and Keeneland announced a partnership to expand gambling into eastern and western Kentucky. They promised to "create hundreds of new jobs and stimulate economic growth" What they're talking about isn't actual horse racing, but rather...

Religious Discrimination of Michigan Farmers

Should someone's beliefs disqualify them from participating in the public marketplace? For Michigan farmers Steve and Bridget Tennes that question isn't theoretical. The Tennes run Country Mill Farms and welcome the public to pick apples, peaches and pumpkins...

Instant Racing Expansion is a Bust

Churchill Downs and Keeneland announced a partnership to expand gambling into eastern and western Kentucky and promised they'll "create hundreds of new jobs, stimulate economic growth and generate funds to increase purses and breeder incentives." But if...

Climate Deniers

Hurricanes Harvey and Irma have stirred conversation over the role climate change played in the prevalence of hurricanes. There seems to be a forgone conclusion that "climate change" is the culprit. And if you disagree, you are a "climate denier."...

US Senate Imposes Religious Tests

The U.S. Constitution bans religious tests in order to hold public office. Article VI says "…no religious Test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States." Yet U.S. Senators are crossing a line that...

U.S. Senators’ Religious Bigotry

One of the things that sets the U.S. apart from all other nations is that we enjoy religious freedom. But religious freedom is increasingly under attack—most notably by U.S. Senators involving confirmation hearings. Sen. Diane Feinstein grilled judicial nominee...

Gov. Bevin Proposes Cuts to State Govt.

Kentucky is facing a projected budget shortfall of nearly $200 million. In this case the state can either raise taxes to make up the difference or it can cut spending. Gov. Bevin has chosen the latter and is calling for 17% across the board cuts for all state...

CPC Response to Instant Racing Announcement

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE   Subject: Expanded Gambling in Christian and Knox Counties Date: September 15, 2017 Contact: Richard Nelson, Executive Director, 270-719-1640   On Friday, September 15, 2017, leaders from Churchill Downs, Keeneland and other related...

DACA Rescinded

The Trump administration ended a controversial executive order by former Pres. Obama called DACA or the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals. This protected nearly 800,000 illegal immigrants from deportation—these were children who were brought to the United...

CA Churches Forced to Cover Abortion

Do you think churches should have to pay for abortion coverage for their employees? The state of California does. In 2014, the California Department of Managed Health Care ordered insurers to change their policies to remove limitations for abortion coverage. This...

Is Jack Phillips a Nazi?

Jack Phillips has been compared to a perpetrator of the holocaust by a government official. So what's Jack's offense? He declined to create a special order wedding cake for a same-sex marriage ceremony. In 2014, Colorado Civil Rights Commissioner Diann Rice...

Free Speech on College Campus

College is back in session and unfortunately, so is continued hostility against conservative speakers. Last week conservative political scientist Charles Murray was unable to walk across Harvard Yard alone. He needed a police escort because of feared violence against...

EMW Refusing to Abide by State Law

Kentucky's last remaining abortion facility is fighting for its life. That's because the EMW Women's Clinic refuses to abide by state law requiring medical centers to have ambulatory agreements with local hospitals.  EMW attorney Donald L. Cox said...