Protecting Life in 2017

You’re probably familiar with the Christmas story of the three wise men that visited Jesus and His family.  Remember, they were the ones that brought the gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh.  Did you know that Israel’s King wanted to use the...

Today is Christmas Day

Today is Christmas Day.  It’s a long expected day… not because the stores have been playing Christmas music since Labor Day…but because Christmas reminds us of love, peace and hope.  You see, we didn’t invent Christmas, God...

Stewardship of the Season

It's easy to get carried away. As Americans when we do something, we like to do it big. And this is no different for the Christmas season. Big parties, expensive gifts—in fact lots of gifts. The average American will spend nearly $983 for presents this...

Kim Davis Challenged

When Rowan County Kentucky resident David Ermold filed to run for county clerk it made national news. Why would the national media be interested in a county clerk race in Eastern Kentucky? Because Ermold was denied a marriage license by the incumbent county clerk...

Lessons from the Upper Room

Devin Estes came home from school one day and complained to his mother that he was being bullied because he told his classmates he doesn't believe in God. Devin doesn't participate in a religious gathering called the Upper Room—an outside the classroom...

Bullying Boomerang

Nobody likes a bully. So when a Knoxville, Tennessee middle schooler who was bullied at school, shot a brief video he posted on Facebook it grabbed the world's attention. A tearful Keaton Jones said “People that are different don’t need to be...

CPC Candidate Training

One of the great things about our country is that we get to govern ourselves. We don't live under a monarchy or dictatorship. We're a government of the people—a democratic republic to be more precise. This means that average everyday people like you and...

Principle over Party Politics

The sexual harassment crisis is threatening the careers of powerful politicians. Gov. Bevin is calling for the resignation of former House Speaker Jeff Hoover and three other Republicans to step down. In Congress, a group of Democratic Senators are calling for Sen. Al...

Auditor Catches State Workers in False Claims

The state of Kentucky gives its workers a half day of paid leave on Election day. The idea is to encourage civic responsibility. But if they take the leave they're expected to actually vote. However, a recent report by State Auditor Mike Harmon revealed that 1,329...

Jack Phillips and the Need for Tolerance

The U.S. Supreme Court heard oral arguments in the case of the Colorado Baker who refused to make a wedding cake for a gay wedding ceremony. There's been a lot of misinformation in this case and the court is trying to sort it out. For starters, Jack Phillips...

Is Consumerism Overshadowing Christmas?

Have you ever gotten the feeling that Christmas has become something that it was never meant to be? We're pushed to buy more and more, bigger and better, sometimes turning family gatherings into giving competitions.  We're decking the halls alright. In...

Recapture True Meaning of Christmas

Have you ever gotten the feeling that Christmas has become something that it was never meant to be? I mean the push to buy more and more, bigger and better, and competition to out give others?  We now have special days that revolve around buying: Black Friday,...

Royal Wedding

The media is smitten with news about the royal engagement between Britain's Prince Harry and American movie star Meghan Markle. The two announced they'll marry in the spring. But marriage isn't just good for movie stars and royal families. It's good...

Caring about the Pension Crisis

We hardly go a week without an update on a never-ending news story from Frankfort. I'm talking about the state pension crisis where the state has some $40 billion in future obligations to state retirees. The pension crisis has been years in the making and is a...

Tax Bill Helps Kentucky’s Poor

I recently had a chance to interview First District Congressman James Comer about the tax cuts that Congress is considering.  He told me that the bill would help most people in his district but if you read many of the reports in the mainstream press, you'd...

SCOTUS Will Hear Important Cases

The Supreme Court is taking up two important cases that affect our most basic liberties. The first case involves a Colorado baker who is in trouble for refusing to provide a cake for a gay wedding. Jack Phillips isn't against serving homosexual customers,...

Tyranny on Campus

As transgenderism pushes its way into the mainstream, people are being forced to ask what pronouns to use. Should someone born male who now identifies as female be called she or he? This is a real question, one that teaching assistant Lindsay Shepherd introduced to...

When Tyrants Rule

Robert Mugabe resigned as president of Zimbabwe. The populist got into power by opposing British colonial rule. But by promising to right the wrongs, the dictator perpetrated even greater pain upon what used to be one of the richest African nations. Mugabe was in...

Sexual Harassment Saga Continues

The number of high-profile and powerful men charged with sexual harassment is staggering. The latest include Minnesota Senator Al Franken and TV host Charlie Rose. In Kentucky, Gov. Bevin has renewed calls for the resignation of legislators in his own party who've...