Kavanaugh Confirmed

Brett Kavanaugh was confirmed to the U.S. Supreme Court by a final vote of 50-48. It was one of the closest votes to confirm a Supreme Court justice in history. During the swearing in ceremony at the White House, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell received a...

News Reminds us We’re Inherently Flawed

A Kentucky priest has been permanently removed from public ministry over a sexual abuse scandal. An Owensboro day care worker slammed a 4-year old boy against the wall. And there's a federal trial over a former U of L basketball recruit in the center of a...

Amazon Minimum Wage

Amazon just announced that it will start all of its U.S. employees at $15 an hour which is more than double the federal minimum wage. It's good news for entry workers Amazon, but it’s also instructional as to how increase wages. In our nation, we have a...

Major Sports Register to Lobby in Ky

Kentucky doesn't have any professional sports teams but several will be coming to Kentucky in January of 2019. Let me clarify, several lobbyists for sports teams will lobby our legislature in the 2019 session. This follows a Supreme Court ruling that opened the...

Student Loan Defaults High in Kentucky

According to the U.S. Department of Education, Kentucky has the fourth-highest rate of student loan defaults in the nation. A total of 14.3 percent of students who take out student loans for college are unable to pay it back. West Virginia ranks number one in student...

Federal Judge Strikes Down Abortion Law

Should abortion clinics have the same rules as other medical facilities? According to a federal judge, the answer is no. Last week, Federal District Judge Greg Stivers struck down a Kentucky law that required abortion centers to have an agreement with hospitals and...

Controversial Census Questions Nixed

Every 10 years the U.S. Census Bureau gathers information about population changes in the U.S. A longer census form, called the American Community Survey gathers other data including income, marital status and religion. It's sent to 3.5 million Americans and helps...

Gender Confusion in California

Children aren't expected to make adult decisions until, well, they're adults. And a child's transition into adulthood comes with stages of responsibility. You've got to be 16 to get a driver’s license; 18 to get married; And 21 to own a handgun....

Violating Principles of Justice

Two important principles of American law protect all of us. The first is that the accused are innocent until proven guilty. The second is that everyone deserves due process of the law. This means that evidence and witnesses are needed to establish facts and the...

A Diploma That Means Something

Kentucky ranks number seven in the country in high school graduation. However, less than two-thirds of our graduates are prepared for the next step, whether its college or the workforce. Interim Commissioner of Education Wayne Lewis asked "why are we granting...

Bill Cosby Sentenced

Bill Cosby was sentenced to prison for violent sexual assault. Photos of a handcuffed Cosby, head down and being taken to jail is quite different from the comedian and entertainer we welcomed into our homes. This is first successful prosecution of a high-profile...

Anonymous Dads

Fertility clinics can be a double-edged sword. They help couples who have trouble conceiving children naturally. But at the same time, many of these clinics are creating embryos with anonymous sperm donors. In other words, they're creating children who will never...

Ballot Question Strengthens Crime Victims’ Rights

In case you haven't noticed there's an election coming up. And on the ballot in Kentucky is a constitutional amendment question regarding rights for crime victims and their families. It's called Marsy's law. The idea is that crime victims deserve the...

Pro-Life Victory

What if I told you that some medical practices thought they were exempt from laws meant to keep women safe because they thought such laws might end up closing them down? Such is the case with the abortion industry. Many states have laws that require abortion centers...

Ethics Opinion Advises Grimes

Secretary of State Allison Grimes has dominated headlines in recent weeks. The executive director of the State Board of Elections, Jared Dearing, accused Grimes of improperly using voter data to screen job applicants. Grimes father was indicted on federal charges of...

Accusations against Kavanaugh

A political bombshell was dropped on Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. Christine Ford alleged that Kavanaugh attempted to rape her at a party over 30 years ago. This is a serious allegation and if it's true would be disqualifying. But is it a credible...

Giving Political Opponents the Benefit of the Doubt

Engaging in difficult conversations is challenging these days. We all have strong views on religion and politics and when someone says something we disagree with easily get offended. Yet it's important to be able to have conversations over current issues, even...

Politically Charged Research

When research is done we want science to lead the way. Trials and tests should lead to conclusions. But at Brown University researchers landed themselves in hot water when a particular research topic touched a nerve and led to them squelching their findings. The...

Legalizing Medical Marijuana

There's another push in Frankfort to legalize medical marijuana. Lawmakers have recently been listening to testimony from both sides of the debate. Advocates say that doctors should decide whether their patient needs pot for their medical condition. The other side...

Are Charter Schools in Kentucky a Threat?

An interesting question was recently posed in a major publication: "How would you respond if you stumbled across a headline that asked, 'How much do farmers markets cost Walmart?"  It presupposes that the customer belongs to Walmart; and any time...