DC Rocked by Shooting

Washington DC was rocked by a sniper attack on a group of Republicans practicing for an annual baseball game. Congressman Steve Scalise was wounded along with several others in the attack. How have we gotten to the point where political differences turn into violence?...

Civility is on Life Support

Civility is on life support. But the body politic was sick long before James T. Hodgkinson assaulted GOP Congressmen at a baseball practice, critically wounding Con. Steve Scalise and wounding four others after asking whether the men on the field were Republicans or...

South Central Ky Students Doing Good

Summer break may mean vacation and lazy days for most kids, but not for a group of students in South Central Kentucky.  More than 250 middle and high school students put their faith into action across Barren, Hart and Metcalfe counties during the first week of...

Response to Gov. Bevin’s Call for Prayer

Gov. Bevin recently called on pastors to engage their communities and address the issue of violence.  And his proposal caught much in the media by surprise. He told nearly 800 pastors who gathered at a public school in the West End of Louisville to pray and to...

Flag Day

It flies above our public buildings. School Children put their hands over their hearts and pledge allegiance to it. It's lowered at half-staff in honor of someone's death. I'm talking about the American Flag, that's because it's flag day...

In Defense of Gov. Bevin’s Call to Prayer

Gov. Bevin's call to pastors and spiritual leaders to pray for violence prone areas in Louisville's West End has stirred strong and unexpected reaction from some. He encouraged hundreds of pastors and spiritual leaders in attendance at Western Middle School to...

Children Need both a Mom and a Dad

I recently debated two leading gay-rights activists over whether judges should be forced to place children in same-sex parented households. They believed that all that kids need are two adults who love them. Truth is, kids needed more than that—they need mothers...

June is Gay Pride Month

The White House announced that President Donald Trump will not declare the month of June to be “LGBT Pride Month.” This has angered activists in the homosexual and transgender community who've had a friend in the White House for eight-years.  One...

Population Decline Grave Threat

You often hear academics say that overpopulation is a grave threat to the planet. But what about underpopulation? This is where developing nations stop having kids and then don't have enough people to maintain their economy and care for the elderly. Japan is a...

Political Frustrations Turn Violent

Americans have been as frustrated as ever over our political condition. The frustration is now boiling over. A congressional candidate in Montana body-slammed a reporter after he was annoyed with a question. Now, there's a way to deal with frustrations from...

Free Speech Cut off by Courts

We value free speech, but its been under attack on college campuses. Now its under attack in our courts. The pro-life group—Center for Medical Progress released video of  abortionists discussing late-term abortions at the National Abortion Federation...

Crossing the Line

We're blessed with freedom of speech in this country, but there are some lines that shouldn't be crossed. Comedienne Kathy Griffin crossed that line when she did a skit holding a bloody  head of President Donald Trump. The backlash has led to an apology...

Gov. Bevin Calls Ky Pastors to Address Violence

Gov. Matt Bevin met with pastors from across Kentucky to address violence on Thursday. This is in response to a 7-year old boy who was killed by random gunfire while he was enjoying a bedtime snack and playing a game on his iPad. Louisville is now on pace to break a...

Where has Tolerance and Respect Gone?

Vice-president Mike Pence is one of the most gracious and thoughtful political leaders on the national stage. But several college graduates rudely turned their backs on Pence as he got up to deliver the keynote address at the Notre Dame commencement ceremony. He was...

Ideological Tyranny on College Campuses

Have you noticed what's going on at America's colleges and universities lately? Conservative speakers have been shunned, protested—even threatened with violence. College is supposed to be a place of tolerance, a place where the free exchange of ideas...

Yes, Gov. Bevin Gives Interviews

I recently sat down with Gov. Bevin for an exclusive interview to hear about significant legislative progress, continuing challenges and current initiatives to address Kentucky's most pressing needs. We talked about a host of issues including foster care and...

Positive Economic News for Kentucky

When it comes to the economy, things are looking much brighter in the Bluegrass State. Valvoline just cut the ribbon on a new $35 million dollar global headquarters in Lexington. Apple announced a $200 million investment in a Harrodsburg glass factory that makes the...

Grounding Conscience Rights

There's been a lot of talk about rights of conscience lately. A T-shirt maker in Lexington and Judge in Glasgow have appealed to their rights of conscience in a couple of high-profile cases. It's easy to get lost in legalese and lose sight of the fact that the...

Are Needle-exchanges the Answer?

Kentucky has 32 needle exchange programs where dirty needles used by drug addicts are swapped out for clean ones. The legislature authorized this program in 2015, which allows local health departments to create needle exchanges to prevent the spread of Hepatitis C and...

Life Span Decreasing for Some

A new study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association found that life spans are decreasing for some Americans. In fact, there's a gap between counties with the longest life spans and counties with the shortest. It's a 20 year difference....