Transgender Fallout for Pharmacist

Should conscience protections be extended to medical professionals? For years that question was settled by laws that protected the conscience of medical providers when it came to the issue of abortion. However, with changing moral standards and cultural attitudes, the...

Religious Liberty Task Force

Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced that he's creating a Religious Liberty Task Force to ensure “that every American has a right to believe, worship, and exercise their faith in the public square.” Sessions told attendees at a Religious Liberty...

Gambling Expansion Gets the Cart Before the Horse

Churchill Downs recently held a job fair and they're looking to hire 200 employees to operate its new casino facility in Louisville called Derby City Gaming. It'll feature 900 slot machines. Churchill calls them historical racing machines but anti-casino...

Fancy Farm Picnic

Tomorrow is the largest picnic in the world and it takes place in the far Western Kentucky hamlet of Fancy Farm, where 20,000 pounds of pork and mutton will be served up, games and raffles will be played, and where the fiery political speeches rival the August heat....

Fake News Hurts News’ Media Credibility

Our trust in the established news media continues to decline. According to a Monmouth University poll, 77 percent of Americans believe that traditional news media outlets report "fake news." 65 percent of respondents believe "fake news" happens...

Old Glory Act

Does it matter which flag flies over U.S. embassies in foreign countries? Congressman Jeff Duncan of South Carolina thinks so. He's spearheading the Old Glory Only Act which only allows the U.S. flag to be flown over our embassies. Controversy arose under the...

Transparency in Louisville Government

There's a showdown in Louisville between Mayor Greg Fischer and a Metro Councilman who wants to know how the mayor spent over $100,000 at the Kentucky Derby. The expenditure has been billed as economic development and promotion of the city. $72,000 was...


I just learned a new term the other day: Theybies. Instead of saying boy or girl baby, a few moms and dads who become new parents are calling their offspring "theybie" The parents are avoiding gender pronouns so they don't impose gender stereotypes on...

Is All Economic Activity the Same?

A story in the Lexington Herald-Leader reported that a Northern Kentucky resident was sentenced to serve time in federal prison for stealing $492,000 worth of Amazon gift cards from his employer. Thomas Scott Taylor told the judge that he had a problem with...

American Poverty

A recent report by the United Nations claimed that “[a]bout 40 million (Americans) live in poverty, 18.5 million in extreme poverty, and 5.3 million live in third-world conditions of absolute poverty.” Sounds unbelievable. But according to Robert Rector at...

Michelle Wolf Abortion Cheerleader

Abortion is one of the most controversial issues of our day. Yet there are some who are celebrating it. Comedienne Michelle Wolf celebrated abortion as an all-American "right" earlier this month on her Netflix program called The Break. Wolf gave a...

Is Papa John a Racist?

There's a high cost for racist comments. Just ask Papa John Schnatter, founder of Papa John's Pizza based in Louisville. Schnatter recently used the N-word in a company conference call that soon became public. He's since apologized but not without...

President Trump’s Helsinki Speech

President Trump received a barrage of criticism after he stood on the stage with Russian President Vladimir Putin and sided with Putin's word over our national intelligence community that Russia didn't meddle in our 2016 election. Mitch McConnell refuted...

CPC Political Advisory Committee Goes to Work

CPC recently interviewed state House candidates to determine endorsements for the upcoming election. These were political newcomers, 28 in all, who didn't have voting records, so CPC's political advisory committee vetted them to determine the depth of their...

The Message Toys Send

A documentary in England argues that the difference between boys and girls is taught by society. The documentary by the BBC is called No More Boys and Girls. Now there's a campaign in the UK  called “Let Toys Be Toys” and the purpose is to...

Billboard Says to Abolish ICE

The billboard in Louisville along I-65 reads Abolish ICE. ICE is the Immigration and Customs Enforcement—the group that's supposed to uphold our immigration and customs law. Yet some are calling for the abolition of this government agency. Now protestors are...

Breakdown of Civility

The song "Fight the Power" blared from a stereo outside a Louisville restaurant and protestors chanted "No justice, no peace." Inside was Kentucky's Senior U.S. Senator Mitch McConnell who sat down for a meal. But McConnell wasn't able to...

Should one Person Be Able to Change Nation?

The headlines at Time Magazine says: How Kavanaugh Could Change the U.S. The story goes on to say "If confirmed to the Supreme Court, Brett Kavanaugh could advance efforts to strip power from regulatory agencies, slow the expansion of gay rights, strengthen gun...

Kavanaugh Nominated to Court

Brett Kavanaugh has been nominated to the U.S. Supreme Court. He's a well-qualified judge with incredible credentials and a resume a mile long. But some Democrats like Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer are opposing him. They've made abortion a litmus test...

Screen Addiction

Earlier this year, the World Health Organization classified excessive gaming as a disorder.  Gaming disorder is a pattern of persistent video gaming behavior so severe that it takes an unhealthy "precedence over other life interests and daily...