Charter Schools

Educational choice is supported by most Kentuckians but the loudest and most powerful voice opposed to it is the teachers union. Union leaders have convinced many states that school choice and especially charter schools sucks money out of the public school system and...

“Conversion” Therapy False Premise

Dr. Julie Hamilton recently briefed a group of Kentucky legislators who are being asked to ban something called conversion therapy. LGBT activists coined the term years ago under the premise that homosexual or transgender identity is unchangeable and that it’s...

Don’t Call it the China Virus

It’s common for a virus to be named after its place of origin. The flu outbreak of 1919 was dubbed the Spanish flu because it started in Spain. The West Nile Virus, MERS, or Middle East Respiratory Syndrome, were also named after their places of origin. But now,...

The Left Dances on Limbaugh’s Grave

Rush Limbaugh passed away after a bout with an aggressive form of cancer. He’s been a pivotal public figure who popularized a conservative voice in the mainstream. Now his critics, including university professors and left-wing activists, are figuratively...

Presidential Impeachment Concludes

The impeachment trial of former Pres. Trump in the books. Congressional Democrats fell short of making the case that President Trump incited insurrection and directed the attack on the Capitol. Trump’s defense team blamed the rioters themselves and said they were...

Curbing Beshear’s Powers

The Kentucky General Assembly acted quickly to curb the emergency powers of Gov. Andy Beshear who in turn immediately sued to block three of these laws after the legislature overrode his vetoes. The Franklin Circuit Court has temporarily blocked parts of the bill from...

SCOTUS Strikes Down California Restrictions on Churches

It’s been nearly a year since Californians have been able to legally gather for in-person church services. Gov. Gavin Newsom restricted churches because they could be super-spreaders of COVID-19. But California was more restrictive to churches than businesses...

Conscious Rights For Medical Facilities and Providers

One of the things that set America apart from many nations is that we value and protect human rights. And a fundamental human right is the right of conscience. Conscience is that internal moral compass that tells us right from wrong. But conscience has been under...

Kentucky Casino Bill Passes

The Republican-led legislature legalized video slot machines last week but they really didn’t consider the bigger picture and left many questions unanswered like: Can a business be considered just that sends patrons out the door with empty pockets and having...

Changing the Terms at Universities

It’s been said that he who defines the terms wins the argument. But what do you do when entire terms are thrown out? This is what’s happening at many of our universities. Michigan State University isn’t using the terms “foreign” and “alien” because...

Our Shared American Identity

For any culture to be coherent it must have a shared identity. Our American identity is based on a constitutional order that defines the role of government and protects the rights of American citizens. The genius of America is that it limits the role of government in...

Abortion Constitutional Amendment

The U.S. Supreme Court may reverse the notorious Roe v Wade decision which legalized abortion on demand in all 50 states. If Roe is reversed, this means that each state will regulate its own abortion laws. Here in Kentucky, there’s an effort to prevent judicial...

Cancelling Our History

Cancel culture is real. This is where conservative views are marginalized and those who hold those views are pushed to the fringes of society. This is contrary to the American ideal of the free exchange of ideas and civil discourse. The way to unravel a culture is to...

The Greed Bill

The bill to legalize slots at the racetracks is making its way through the state legislature. Senate Bill 120 passed the Licensing and Occupations Committee with a unanimous vote and will be voted on by the entire State Senate this week. The bill is controversial...

China’s Social Credit System

Have you ever dropped a piece of trash in public and forgotten to pick it up? It happens sometimes but if you lived in China, that piece of trash on the sidewalk would put you one step closer to second-class citizenship. This is because the Chinese government uses...

Facebook Censorship

Facebook has been in the news for censoring the free speech of conservatives. Of course, it’s a private company and can restrict speech on its own platform. But they’re targeting social conservatives who are sharing their views on moral issues. The latest story...

1776 Project Cancellation

Pres. Joe Biden did not waste any time in keeping his promise of undoing Trump’s policies through executive order. So far he’s issued 30 executive orders, including the cancellation of the 1776 Commission. The purpose of this Commission was to promote...

Legislators Pressured to Redefine Pari-mutuel Gambling

The Kentucky General Assembly convenes today and legislators are being pressured to redefine the term parimutuel to legalize video slot machines. Ten years ago the horse tracks gambled on whether or not the slots were legal. They rolled the dice so to speak but they...

Sanctity of Life Day

Forty-eight years ago the U.S. Supreme Court legalized the killing of babies in the womb. As a result, over 60 million unborn children have been aborted. This is the equivalent of the entire population of Italy. It’s clear that we’ve embraced a low view of...