25% of Ky Nurses considering leaving field

If you know someone who is a nurse or recently visited a health care facility, you probably noticed there’s a nursing shortage. A study by the Kentucky Nurses Association recently found that 25% of nurses would likely leave their positions within three months. Among...

U.S. Passports Allow Self-identified Gender

The AP reported that the U.S. State Department “issued its first passport with an “X” gender designation.” Transgender advocates consider this a milestone in the rights of people to self-define their own gender. It’s the latest skirmish in the revolution to redefine...

Haitian Missionaries Kidnapped

17 Christian missionaries were recently abducted in Haiti, including 5 children. They were returning from an orphanage when an armed Haitian gang stopped their bus. The gang is demanding $17 million for the release of the hostages and has threatened to kill them....

Good citizenship and Special Election

Have you ever started your day worrying if the police will arrest you because you were reported going to an unauthorized church? If you were in China, millions of citizens face that threat every day. Have you ever worried that if you said something critical of the...

Hazardous School Conduct in Hazard

What would you do if your child attended a school where a student gave a lap dance to the principal in a school assembly? That’s not theoretical. It actually happened in Hazard, Ky, where the principal of Hazard High School got a lap dance from a male high school...

Pastors must speak to politics

Should pastors get political? That’s a question many are asking. When it comes to speaking to moral and social issues from a biblical perspective, it’s a pastor’s duty. It’s unreasonable to expect ministers to piece together lives of shattered...

Significant Pro-Life Bill Pushed in Frankfort

State Rep. Nancy Tate (R-Brandenburg) has proposed a pro-life omnibus bill for the next legislative session. She says abortion is “one of the realities that we need to address in our commonwealth of Kentucky.” This bill includes regulations on the disposal of fetal...

Be Better Listeners

In a letter to the early church, James, the brother of Jesus, had some sage advice on our conduct. He said this “Know this, my beloved brothers: let every person be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger; for the anger of man does not produce the righteousness of...

Record Number of Illegal Immigrants Detained in 2021

Over 1.7 million illegal immigrants were detained by the U.S. Border Patrol at the Mexico border in the last year. This is a record high according to the U.S. Customs and Border Patrol. “Illegal crossings skyrocketed in the months after President Biden took office,”...

NIH Funded Coronavirus Research in China

Kentucky Congressman James Comer is working to get at the root of where Covid started. A letter he received from National Institutes of Health Principal Deputy Director official Lawrence Tabak reveals some startling news. Tabak confirmed that the NIH funded research...

Mandatory Vaxxers Not Taking Account Natural Immunity

If you’ve had COVID, you have now built up natural immunity. But the Biden Administration has refused to acknowledge natural immunity and wants to force vaccines upon many Americans. Health and Human Services Secretary Javier Becerra has called those who do...

Ky Lawmaker Files Bill Requiring Teaching of Racism

Critical race theory has dominated political discussions this summer as many state legislatures, including Kentucky, have proposed to ban its teaching in public schools. State Rep. Attica Scott (D-Louisville) disagrees with this proposal and instead has proposed that...

Medication Abortion is Oxymoron

The COVID pandemic has led to many services being offered virtually online, including tele-health. As a result, there’s been an increase in chemical abortions. It’s now widely available for pregnant women to have pills delivered directly to their homes, so...

Is Smoking Pot Harmless?

Is smoking pot harmless? The group called Legalize Kentucky Now would have us believe there’s no downside to smoking pot. Some even claim that it’s never led to any deaths. Colorado was the first state to legalize the recreational use of marijuana. And, in...

Debt Ceiling Raised

The US Senate voted to raise the debt ceiling, at least until the year-end. This bill will raise the amount of debt the US is allowed to have by nearly half a trillion dollars. This comes as Democrats plan to propose a $3.5 trillion increase in spending. The House...

Nearly 50% of Inmates Released by Beshear Commit Felonies

Remember when Governor Beshear released 1,706 inmates from prison due to COVID concerns? The inmates had to meet certain criteria for release. But now, according to a recent report, 48% of them have now been charged for committing crimes. Rep. Jason Nemes...

Former Facebook Employee Testifies that Product Hurts Kids

A Facebook whistleblower testified before Congress about the potential dangers the social media giant poses to many of us, especially kids. Frances Haugen is a former employee of Facebook and, before she left, she copied thousands of documents that revealed the harm...

Ky Attorney General’s Office Argues in Front of SCOTUS

Kentucky Attorney General Daniel Cameron and his office are arguing an important case in front of the US Supreme Court today. The issue involves whether the Attorney General should have the ability to defend an important Kentucky abortion law. A few years ago, the...

Columbus Day

Remember in grade school when we were learning our history lessons about the discovery of the new world by Christopher Columbus? “In fourteen hundred and ninety-two Columbus sailed the ocean blue and discovered America.” That’s how the song went...