Truth and clarity integral to politics and life

More than 600 pro-Morsi protesters lie dead in Cairo streets after Egypt’s military cleared two Muslim Brotherhood camps on Wednesday. Coptic churches were then attacked and burned—forty in the last three days. The violence has spread across Egypt in what...

Planned Parenthood: Coming to a town near you?

Planned Parenthood, the government-subsidized “family planning” organization that oversaw over 330,000 abortions throughout the United States in 2012 is poised to inch further into the Commonwealth.  Currently, there are two abortion facilities in...

When a coup is not a coup

I woke up this morning to the latest news of violence in the streets of Cairo, Egypt.  NPR reported that Egyptian security forces attacked pro-Morsi camps, killing as many as 60 protestors. With that kind of news off the bat who needs coffee to jumpstart the day?...

Fancy Farm: full of sound and fury

I made it to the 133 annual Fancy Farm Picnic on Saturday. When I left home in Cadiz, it looked as if I'd be watching the candidate speeches in the rain but as I arrived, the rain stopped and the sun poked through the clouds. I didn't hear a single politician...

Are some babies worth more than others?

It's funny how a nation that rejected rule by monarchy is suddenly fixated on a royal birth. Yes, Prince William and his bride gave birth to their yet-to-be-named son who is now third in line to the royal throne. But why do we care? Is it because he's royalty?...

Cleanup doesn’t make abortion right

Replace the blood-stained furniture and blankets, the roaming cats and filthy instruments of Dr. Kermit Gosnell's Philadelphia abortion clinic with bleached sheets, skilled nurses and sterilized equipment. Place the comfortably anesthetized newborn face-down on a...

Declaration of Independence

The Unanimous Declaration of the Thirteen United States of America In Congress, July 4, 1776   When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the...

Five Takeaways from the June 25 Special Election

Democratic candidate James Kay won the 56th House District special election with 44 percent of the vote. Here are a few lessons that we gleaned from the race. Money doesn’t always win: This was likely the most expensive state House race in Kentucky history....

High Court’s Defiance of Marriage Act

The U.S. Supreme Court declined to uphold the meaning of marriage and undermined the democratic process when it struck down the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA). Perhaps we should call it their Defiance of Marriage Act (DMA). The Court also declined to hear a defense to...

The case against Plan B

Caving to political pressure from the left, the Obama administration has approved the sale of “Plan B One-Step,” to children of any age, without a prescription.  The decision comes less than two years after the President himself voiced concerns over...

Bringing marriage into focus

The U.S. Supreme Court has marriage under a microscope and in just a matter of weeks will render its verdict on two cases that could blur our understanding of what constitutes society’s most foundational relationship. Gay marriage advocates have masterfully...

Exporting Deviancy

In his speech marking June as LGBTQ–Lesbian, Gay Bisexual, Transgender, Questioning month, President Barack Obama listed a string of ways his administration has promoted LGBTQ acceptance in America. "My Administration is a proud partner in the journey...

Enter the Wonderland of moral relativism

Ever feel like you're Alice in Wonderland where everything is topsy turvy?  Two recent news stories put me into that fairy tale where I felt somewhere between the Mad Hatter and the Queen of Hearts. The first came from Florida, where an 18-year-old high...

Treading on freedom

“Don’t tread on me.”  The motto, from a yellow flag with a coiled rattle snake, represents the courageous spirit of justice and freedom at our founding.  As a symbol believed to have originated on the drums of enlisting Marines during the...

Boys Scouts Lost

Yesterday, the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) voted to allow openly homosexual boys to join the ranks. A surprising 61 percent of the 1400 voting members voted to ax the longstanding policy prohibiting Scouts from openly professing homosexuality. However, voting members...

Dragging the bedroom into public for political points

  It is a common tactic of the gay political lobby to absolve homosexual behavior with some great achievement of a practiting homosexual. Roger Guffey recently wrote an op-ed in the May 18 edition of the Lexington Herald-Leader and dropped a great deal of ink on...

Justice Department deporting home schoolers

A little covered news story from Tuesday caught my eye.  “Home Schooling German Family Fights Deportation” the headline ran.  Apparently, a German homeschool family, living in Tennessee for the past five years, has lost their appeal for...

Targeting political enemies

Revelations that the IRS targeted Tea Party and Patriot groups applying for nonprofit tax status has rocked the Obama administration and resulted in one high level official's departure. Earlier this evening, acting IRS Commissioner Steven Miller was ousted in the...