Gambling Proposal Released

Ryan Alessi of CN2 is reporting that Louisville State Senator Dan Seum has announced a propoal for bringing expanded gambling in the form of casinos to the Commonwealth. According to Alessi, "A proposal for casinos that will have the backing of business and some...

Expanded gambling bad idea then, just as bad now

Businessman Billy Harper jumped onto the casino expansion bandwagon last week and called for casino legalization to recapture revenue lost to other states and use it to build Kentucky roads and schools. Sounds awfully close to a remake of the golden oldie we heard...

Housing Allowance for Ministers a Thing of the Past?

A major development out of Wisconsin: A notoriously liberal federal judge has struck down the clergy housing allowance tax deduction. This would have devastating effects on many rural, small church pastors. Read more about it: "Federal Judge: Clergy tax-free...

Bread, Circuses, and Gambling

As sure as it is being anticipated, the gambling industry will be inching its ravenous claws into this year’s General Assembly, scheduled to start in January. This is hardly new. Attempts to expand gambling in Kentucky have been a constant back-and-forth for...

Memory of JFK

Fifty years ago today on a sunny afternoon in Dallas, Texas the peace of our nation was shattered when our 35th president was gunned down in his motorcade. When the shots rang out and when John Fitzgerald Kennedy was pronounced dead just shortly thereafter, something...

Gambling on the Prowl

As promised, movement is being made to introduce expanded gambling in Kentucky; and the movement is happening on multiple fronts. According to Blue Grass Politics, Democratic House Speaker Pro Tem Larry Clark has pre-filed expanded gambling legislation for the 2014...

Gay Marriage signaling a GOP Split?

POLICITO reports that the issue of same-sex marriage that divides the family of former vice president Dick Cheney is emblematic of the larger national scene on gay marriage, an issue that many report has the GOP in a full-on identity crisis.  In a recent...

Obamacare: Appealing to the base

According to the Huffington Post, Colorado is promoting Obamacare and luring people to sign up by appealing to base instincts. One ad says "Let's get physical" and promotes free birth control. Another says "Friends with benefits" which implies...

Louisville Columnist Questions Gambling

Louisville political columnist John David Dyche penned a column with WDRB questioning the merits of expanded gambling, an issue that besets the Commonwealth in a seemingly unending cycle. Drawing upon the recent (and excellent) op-ed by conservative columnist Ross...

Kentucky Baptists Face Hiring Dilemma

A controversy has brewed in Kentucky Baptist life over one of its entities, Sunrise Children Services, considering to end its ban on hiring homosexuals.  Sunrise Children Services is the foster care entity that receives funding through the Kentucky Baptist...

ENDA Passes Senate

A troubling bill that should have believers of all faiths concerned passed the U.S.  Senate yesterday. Titled the "Employment Non-Discrimination Act" (ENDA), the bill imposes strict hiring standards on all employers, especially employers who are people...

Fracking pipeline and other controversies

An article in Wednesday’s edition of the Louisville Courier Journal titled “Protestors cite faith in opposing Bluegrass Pipeline” is interesting on a number of levels. Conservative Christians were conspicuously absent from the protest which consisted...

Gay Divorce in Kentucky?

A peculiar case in Kentucky has gained the attention of marriage advocates and marriage revisionists. According to the Courier-Journal, a couple in Kentucky is seeking the state’s very first “gay divorce.” This is peculiar not only for a divorce...

Gambling Debate on KET

With the 2014 General Assembly just around the corner, gambling advocates are back to their old ways and insisting, yet again, that Kentuckians deserve the right to vote on whether to bring expanded gambling (casinos) into the Commonwealth. Despite Kentucky not being...

2015 Governor Speculations

  Though Kentuckians are still two years away from the next Governor's race, citizens are already being treated to a boilerplate of anticipation as to who will be at the top of the gubernatorial ticket. Republican political columnist and Louisville attorney,...