Ky Attorney General’s Office Argues in Front of SCOTUS

Kentucky Attorney General Daniel Cameron and his office are arguing an important case in front of the US Supreme Court today. The issue involves whether the Attorney General should have the ability to defend an important Kentucky abortion law. A few years ago, the...

Columbus Day

Remember in grade school when we were learning our history lessons about the discovery of the new world by Christopher Columbus? “In fourteen hundred and ninety-two Columbus sailed the ocean blue and discovered America.” That’s how the song went...

Congress Passes Bill that would Nix State Pro-life laws

Democrats are divided over the federal budget, but there’s one issue that unites them: abortion. Democratic Congressional members voted for the so-called Women’s Health Protection Act. This would enshrine Roe v. Wade into law and ultimately invalidate every...

Ky Attorney General to Argue in Front of SCOTUS

Kentucky Attorney General Daniel Cameron is set to make his case before the US Supreme Court that his office should have the ability to defend an important Kentucky abortion law. The case concerns HB 454, which bans a grisly procedure involving the dismemberment of...

Free People Must Place Check Big Government

In a free country, there are limits to what the government can do. The idea behind the United States is one of limited government in order for people to have freedom and opportunity. When the government begins to provide things that people can and should provide for...

Sec. of State Removes Dead People from Voter rolls

Secretary of State Michael Adams recently announced that his office removed nearly 11,000 deceased voters from Kentucky voter rolls. So any talk of dead people voting in the commonwealth hasn’t been happening in recent years. In fact,  Kentucky received no allegations...

Taliban’s Inhumane Practices to Resume

When the Taliban was in power in Afghanistan prior to 9/11, they held public executions in stadiums. Thieves had their hands cut off. Those convicted of robbery often had a hand and a foot amputated. The leader of the Taliban, Mullah Nooruddin Turabi, announced that...

House Votes to Require Teen Girls to Register for the Draft

The U.S. House of Representatives voted 316-113 to increase the funding for the military. The $768 billion National Defense Authorization Act will also increase military pay by 2.7 percent. But the bill also requires women to register for the draft. This controversial...

Google Censors Abortion Pill Reversal Ads

Google is now taking sides in the abortion debate. Its decision to ban a pro-life ad that helps women who changed their minds on having an abortion has been blocked. Many abortions are done chemically through a multi-pill process. But a medical breakthrough allows...