Cameron Joins Lawsuit Against Vax Mandate

The Biden Administration has implemented a rule requiring the COVID-19 vaccine for all workers in healthcare settings that receive Medicare and Medicaid funding. This has led to many leaving the industry across Kentucky. In response, Attorney General Daniel Cameron...

Against Conspiracy Theories

COVID may be one of the most politicized viruses in our lifetime. And as with any political controversy, conspiracy theories follow. There’s room for disagreement on the origins of COVID. But when it comes to the intent of the vaccine and the efficacy of vaccinations,...

Dollar Tree Passes the Buck

If you’re a fan of Dollar Tree, you’re going to be in for a shock. The discount chain store, known for selling everything at a dollar or less, is raising the price of most items to $1.25. Their goods have been the same price for 35 years. It might not seem like a lot,...

AG Cameron Joins 1A Lawsuit

Attorney General Daniel Cameron is joining a legal battle with 12 other states regarding religious freedom. A group called Constitution Camp was denied an application to raise a Christian flag in the city of Boston. Other groups were allowed to use the flagpole, which...

Gender Ideology Pushed on Kindergartners

Parents in a Connecticut school district recently learned that their children, as young as five and six years old, are being indoctrinated in gender ideology. This is the idea that gender is fluid and can change. One book in the kindergarten curriculum is called...

Cyber Monday and our Appetites

Last week we celebrated Thanksgiving. Then shoppers flocked to stores for Black Friday. Now, today is Cyber Monday–the largest online shopping day of the year. We’re clearly blessed with an abundance in this country, but too often we try to satisfy ourselves...

What News Outlet are You plugged in to?

The news you’re plugged in to affects your view of the world. If your news media diet is shrill, negative, and has a Chicken Little mindset that “the sky is falling,” it’s going to temper how you see the world and respond to it. On the other hand, if your news media...

Happy Thanksgiving – 2021

In 1621, the pilgrims celebrated the first Thanksgiving and thanked God for bringing them through a hard winter. In 1789 President Washington issued a Thanksgiving proclamation “for affording them an opportunity peaceably to establish a form of government for...

Pedophilia Normalization Proposed by College Prof

When LGBT activism started gaining traction, conservatives denounced it for a variety of reasons. They said that once you approve of same-sex relationships, you will then allow for polyamorous relationships and other immoral relationships. With each cultural trend,...

Chamber of Commerce Against Religious Freedom

Religious freedom is guaranteed by the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. Yet the Kentucky Chamber of Commerce took a shot at our first freedom in their 2022 Legislative Agenda when they couched religious freedom in a negative light. They said, “We know other...