Jean-Pierre First Black Press Secretary under President Biden

Karine Jean-Pierre made history when she became the first black woman to hold the position of White House press secretary for Pres. Biden. Charles Booker also made history in Kentucky when he became the first black person nominated for U.S. Senate in a Democratic...

Powerful Republican House Members Lost to Primary challenges

Three powerful Northern Kentucky State House members lost their seats to more conservative challengers. State Rep. Adam Koenig (R-Erlanger) chaired the Licensing, Occupation, and Administrative Regulations Committee and was the leading proponent of gambling expansion...

LGBT Pride Month Begins

You may have noticed the Gay Pride flag all over the digital world today. That’s because today is the first day of LGBT Pride Month. What started out as a day turned into an entire month. In contrast, Monday was Memorial Day, a day we set aside to honor the sacrifice...

TX Mass Shooting Claims 21 Lives

Uvalde, Texas was rocked when a gunman crashed his car outside an elementary school, stormed into the building and went on a shooting rampage. Nineteen children and 2 adults were killed. This was the deadliest school shooting since 2012. Within hours of the shooting...

Memorial Day 2022

Today is Memorial Day, the day we set aside to honor those who made the ultimate sacrifice while serving our country. Memorial Day began just after the Civil War ended, and our nation began the healing process from the bloodiest war in history that left some 600,000...

CA Law Requiring Women on Boards Struck Down

A California law requiring a gender-based quota for corporate boards has been overturned in court. The law intended to bring gender equality by requiring up to three female directors on boards by the end of the year. But this was gross government overreach. The court...

Gen Z Prefers Pets over Children

It may be that pets make good companions, but they hardly make a family. A recent study found that 7 in 10 Gen Z adults would prefer to have pets than to start a family and have children. Not only is it troubling that the non-immigrant population in the U.S. has...

Senate Dems Try and Fail to Codify Roe v Wade

US Senate Democrats failed to make abortion a right protected by federal law. This bill would’ve done more than codify Roe into law. It would also annul all pro-life laws at the state level. The move was a reaction by pro-abortion Democrats who anticipate Roe v Wade...

Pronoun Policy Nab 8th Graders

Three 8th grade boys in a Southeast Wisconsin public school are being charged with sexual harassment because they did not use the preferred gender pronoun of a fellow student. The transgender student insisted on being called “they.” But according to one of...

Evil Comes to Buffalo

Man’s inhumanity to man was on full display outside a grocery store in Buffalo when a gunman opened fire and killed 10 people. The innocent bystanders were targeted simply because of their skin color. There will be calls for more gun control. And Congress is talking...