Gun Violence Statistics

The conversation over gun violence continues. According to the Centers for Disease Control there were 39,773 gun related deaths in the U.S. in 2017. Of that, 6 of 10 or 23,854 were suicides. Of all the murders in 2017, and there were 19,510— 75% or 14,542 involved a...

Is the Lexington Herald Supporting Incivility?

The leader of the Kentucky Fairness Campaign was arrested for disorderly conduct and resisting arrest for disrupting the Kentucky Farm Bureau’s annual breakfast. This isn’t the first time the Fairness Campaign has protested the Farm Bureau—all because of...

U of L Offers LGBTQ Minor

The University of Louisville is offering a minor in LGBTQ Studies. The introduction of the new minor is sure to stir controversy. Course offerings include: Black Lesbian Lives, Queer Politics, LGBTQ Literature in the U.S., Queer Performance and the History of American...

Gun Violence

The latest mass shooting in Odessa, Texas has once again gripped our hearts. The shooter had gotten into an argument in his workplace, got fired then went on a rampage. As with most mass shootings, there’s a new call for more gun restrictions. But will more...

Ky Pension Investments Not Transparent

Kentucky’s pension and management fees were kept out of public scrutiny for years until the legislature passed a law requiring greater transparency. This was a good step. However, according to a report by Kentucky Auditor Mike Harmon the pension systems fall...

Prager U Censored by YouTube

Dennis Prager is a conservative talk show host. He produces short video lessons on religion, politics and current events, but YouTube has restricted more than 200 of his videos. They even restricted one presentation on the Ten Commandments. YouTube hasn’t given...

Opioid Lawsuit Successful

Johnson & Johnson was hit with a $572 million judgment against it for producing and marketing opioid painkillers in Oklahoma. Attorneys for the state argued that Johnson & Johnson improperly marketed the drugs and failed to stop suspicious orders from...

Labor Day

Happy Labor Day! Labor Day became a federal holiday in 1894 after the labor movement demanded safer working conditions. The labor reformers also worked for an 8-hour workday, fair wages, and the end to child labor. Safer conditions and reasonable workloads were...

Ky’s Economic Boom

In the last three years there have been 55,143 new jobs and $20,159,466,106 in new investments in Kentucky. Unemployment is at an all-time low and participation in the work force is at an all-time high. You could say we’re in the midst of an economic boom. But...

Judge Orders Medicaid to Cover Sex-reassignments

Last week a federal judge ruled that Medicaid must cover gender-reassignment treatments, including both surgery and hormones. U.S. District Judge William Conley ruled on behalf of four patients suffering from gender dysphoria and ordered the state of Wisconsin to...

Mock Assassination of President Ok?

Is it ok to stage a mock assassination of the president in public? There should be a very easy answer to this. However, a democratic state senator from Illinois thought it was ok at a recent fundraiser. Sen. Martin Sandoval, whose senate district covers part of...

NEA Veering From Mission

Critics of the NEA have argued the nation’s largest teachers’ union has lost its focus. The group started in the 1857 to advocate for better public education, but today, it has veered from its primary objective. The NEA Representative Assembly met earlier...

Planned Parenthood Denied License

The Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services denied Planned Parenthood a license to operate an abortion center in Louisville. Cabinet Secretary Adam Meier pointed to a violation when the group operated its Louisville clinic without a license and illegally...

Adamson’s Day in Court

Remember Blaine Adamson? He’s the Lexington graphic artist that was ordered by the Lexington Human Rights Commission to undergo diversity training because he refused to fill a T-shirt order for a gay pride parade. Adamson runs his business according to his...

Teen Vogue Tells Teens How to Get Abortions

A headline in Teen Vogue earlier this summer said, “How to Get an Abortion If You’re a Teen: It can be tricky.” But is this the advice journals of influence should be giving to teenage girls? The author Nona Willis Aronowitz thinks so. She says...

Google’s Manipulation of 2016 Election

Have you heard of how Google manipulated votes in the 2016 presidential election? Well, you’re not alone. Texas Sen.Ted Cruz held hearings on Google and its censorship policy last month. Robert Epstein, psychologist of the American Institute for Behavioral...

Illegal Immigration

According to the US Customs and Border Patrol data 760,000 people have been apprehended for illegally entering the United States on the Southwest border. We’ve already surpassed last year’s total of illegal entries by nearly 250,000. The U.S clearly has an...

Hong Kong Protests

One sign said “Sorry for the inconvenience caused. We are fighting for our freedom.” Another said “Sorry for the inconvenience. We are fighting for the future of our home.” This was from Hong Kong protestors who are objecting to mainland...

Abortion Hot Issue in Governor’s Race

The owner of Kentucky’s remaining abortion center in Louisville— co-hosted a fundraiser for Democratic gubernatorial candidate Andy Beshear. Abortionist Ernest Marshall of EMW Women’s Clinic helped raise thousands in campaign donations for Beshear. Gov....

Social Casinos

Ellis Park in Henderson is expanding its slot-machine operation without legislative approval. As controversial as that is, land-based casinos are in competition with digital casinos, even ones that don’t pay out. The Center for Investigative Reporting ran a...