State of College Education

The Young America’s Foundation (YAF) released its annual report on the state of higher education in America. Their report, called Comedy and Tragedy,  “document[s] the intellectual abuse and flat-out indoctrination happening by way of the appalling...

“Breed Ready” Status in China

China has more males than females. In fact, 34 million more males. This has created a problem for men who want to marry. So an organization built a database to that is registering women and their availability to men. Nearly two million women are registered in the...

More Kentucky Kids Vaping

The number of Kentucky kids who are smoking cigarettes is decreasing according to a recent report. However, more kids are vaping, which is just as addictive and dangerous. In fact, one vaping packet contains as much nicotine as a full pack of cigarettes!  State...

Transgender Continues to Go Mainstream

The idea that people can switch their gender got a hearing on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives when two Democrat congresswomen read the pro-transgender children’s book called I Am Jazz.  Transgenderism has been going mainstream for years...

Free Speech Victory on Campus

Fresno State Students for Life group promoted their cause with chalk messages on university sidewalks but not everyone appreciated those messages including Professor Greg Thatcher.  So Thatcher took some of his students and wiped them away. Professor Thatcher...

Planned Parenthood Funding Nixed

The Trump administration changed Title X regulations regarding which organizations can receive federal family planning funds. Under the new rules any facility that performs abortions or counsels women to receive abortions cannot receive any federal funds. This means...

Google Underpaying Men

Google is in the middle of a class-action lawsuit alleging that it underpays women for performing the same job as men. However, Google's annual pay equity analysis for 2018, found something nobody expected. Google was actually underpaying men for doing the same...

KY Teachers Group Threatens Strike

The Kentucky legislature is considering a bill that modifies the teacher retirement board by including a broader group of board members. Another bill would create a tax credit for businesses that want to donate to scholarship funds for underprivileged kids trapped in...

Why Are We in So Much Debt?

Ever wonder why the federal government is in so much debt? A recent news story out of the far-west community of Hickman helps us better understand.  This depressed community near the Mississippi River received a Community Development Block grant from the federal...

Drafting Women?

Should women be forced to join the military draft? According to a federal judge in Texas, the answer is yes. U.S. District Judge Gray Miller ruled that  women should be forced to register for the draft if its ever needed. This is in line with the trend which...

Miscarriage is not the same as abortion

Katie Vandegrift recently shared her story of losing three unborn children to miscarriage in a recent opinion column. Her pain and loss was deeply moving and deserves our compassion, but her personal story wasn't grounds for dismissing the need for SB 50, the...

Crowded Democrat Field

The 2020 presidential election is still two years away and 10 Democrats have already announced they're going to run. Another 13 are considering running for the highest office in the land and candidates in the packed field are trying to distinguish themselves from...

Abortion Survivors Protection Act

The U.S Senate considered a bill to protect babies who survive an abortion attempt. But it fell seven votes short. The Abortion Survivors Protection Act is a response to Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam's outrageous claim that the decision of life and death for a baby...

Sports Gambling in Kentucky?

ESPN ran a story about NBA official Tim Donaghy who took bribes to fix games over a four year period. Donaghy bet on the games he reffed and took in huge amounts of cash. He also helped others rake in millions until he was caught. It's ironic that ESPN's...

Crime in America

According to a recent story on NPR, an estimated 60 million Americans have a criminal record. One report estimates that there as many people with criminal records as college diplomas. The majority are misdemeanors, but when nearly one in five citizens has been in...

Green New Deal

Freshman Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez introduced the Green New Deal whose goal is to end fossil fuel use in 10 years. The deal also aims to make every existing building more energy efficient; expand electric car manufacturing, and build "charging...

Gene Edited Babies

A Chinese scientist recently claimed to have successfully edited the genes of twin girls. He says he did so to make them resistant to HIV. The news was met with criticism from the scientific community. Some doubted it was true. Now, the Chinese government is...

Life in the Balance

Opponents of pro-life laws often focus on heart-wrenching cases involving women in tough situations: cases of fetal abnormality; fetal demise and the trauma of carrying a lifeless baby; and horrific stories of rape. All are traumatic cases that most of us could never...

Signs of Life in the Kentucky Legislature

Several pro-life bills are moving through the Kentucky legislature. The Roe v Wade Trigger Bill (HB 148) protects unborn life in all cases that do not threaten the mother’s life if the ruling is ever overturned. The Fetal Heartbeat Bill (SB 9) recognizes...