KY Legislature Defunds Planned Parenthood

The Kentucky State House voted last week to defund state tax dollars from going to Planned Parenthood. By the tone of the debate and the way Planned Parenthood defenders postured, you'd think the vote would have been close. But it wasn't. It was a lopsided 75...

"Fairness" Ordinance Stalls in Bowling Green

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Bowling Green Fairness Ordinance Stalls Date: March 8, 2017 Contact: Richard Nelson (270) 271-2713   Bowling Green, KY—  Last night, the Bowling Green City Commission rejected an ordinance that would elevate sexual orientation...

“Fairness” Ordinance Stalls in Bowling Green

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Bowling Green Fairness Ordinance Stalls Date: March 8, 2017 Contact: Richard Nelson (270) 271-2713   Bowling Green, KY—  Last night, the Bowling Green City Commission rejected an ordinance that would elevate sexual orientation...

Sen. Stivers Calls on LHL to Retract Story

At what point does journalism cease being journalism and become something else? That's the question alluded to on the Kentucky Senate Floor by Senate President Robert Stivers. Senator Stivers was so outraged with a Lexington Herald-Leader news story for...

Space X Plans Launch of Humans to Moon

Remember the opening lines of the original Star Trek where William Shatner says "Space: the final frontier. These are the voyages of the starship Enterprise. … to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where no...

Religious Freedom Bills in General Assembly

The Kentucky legislature has considered a number of bills dealing with religion and religious freedom. One bill would allow the teaching of the Bible as an elective course in public schools. Another protects the religious freedom rights of public schools students. Yet...

Fantasy Sports Gambling Expansion?

Two bills in the Kentucky General Assembly would authorize gambling on fantasy sports. Advocates say that it's already happening and regulation is needed in order to provide oversight and keep minors from gambling activity. This might be true, but the bigger...

Berkely Protests Undermine Speech

The UC Berkely College Republicans recently invited a controversial speaker on campus and this sparked protest. Students responded by rioting. Fires were set, windows were broken and molotov cocktails were thrown, causing thousands of dollars in damage. The irony is...

Trumps Speech to Congress

Pres. Donald Trump addressed a joint session of Congress in what analysts on both sides of the political spectrum say was his best speech since becoming president. Interestingly, Pres. Trump mentioned Kentucky Gov. Matt Bevin for his work to replace the Affordable...


Last week, I attended a legislative reception in Frankfort where Dr. Al Mohler, president of Southern Seminary encouraged our state leaders to do the things that lead to human flourishing, by promoting justice, righteousness and mercy. He also talked about the...

Blue Lives Matter

A bill that would increase penalties for violent targeting of first responders and law enforcement officers passed the state House last week by a wide margin, but not before a disruptive protest in the House gallery. The bill was dubbed "Blue Lives Matter."...

News Media Continues to Lose Credibility

Kentuckians' trust in institutional media may be at an all-time low.  According to Secretary of State Alison Grimes' Kentucky Civic Health Index released in January, less than half of Kentuckians trust the media. Even more surprising is an Emerson College...

Intolerance of the Left

Last week National Public Radio had a fascinating interview with Chadwick Moore, a writer for Out Magazine—a gay and lesbian publication. Moore wrote a story on Milo Yiannopolous an openly gay man and provocative writer and speaker whose ideas are, let's...

CPC Bill Tracking

The 2017 General Assembly session is at the half-way mark. Here are several Bills CPC is tracking: 2nd Amendment SB 7 would drop requirement to take class for concealed carry HB 101 would allow local governments to limit sales of arms and ammo Planned Parenthood SB 8...

Big Media’s Credibility Deficit

Kentuckians' trust in institutional media may be at an all-time low.  According to Secretary of State Alison Grime's Kentucky Civic Health Index released in January, less than half of Kentuckians trust the media. Even more surprising is an Emerson College...

News Coverage on Rallies Unbalanced

There have been many rallies in the Capitol since the 2017 Kentucky General Assembly began. Union members protested the right to work bill. Parents rallied for school choice options. There was even an abortion rights rally.  You can find several news reports...

Will HB 149 Defund PP and Churches?

A headline in last week's Louisville Courier-Journals said "Bill targets Planned Parenthood, maybe churches." The journalist was referring to HB 149, which would bar any state tax dollars going to groups involved with abortion. The bill also bars funds...

Boy Scouts Gender Confusion

Just days ago, the Boy Scouts welcomed the first transgender boy into their ranks. Nine-year-old Joe Maldonado of Seacaucus, New Jersey joined Pack 20 in Maplewood.  All this within weeks of announcing a policy change that allows transgender children to join. By...