The Kentucky State House voted last week to defund state tax dollars from going to Planned Parenthood. By the tone of the debate and the way Planned Parenthood defenders postured, you'd think the vote would have been close. But it wasn't. It was a lopsided 75 state House members voting to defund PP and only 13 voted to keep state funds going to the nation's largest abortion provider. The bill now goes to Gov. Bevin where he is expected to sign it. Practically, only about $300,000 in state funds will be diverted from PP and go to other groups not involved with abortion. But lawmakers were opposed to any tax dollars going to groups involved directly or indirectly with abortion. Just as daffodils signal a new and vibrant season, this legislation is a political harbinger that the icy season of anti-life policies is finally thawing which makes Kentucky one of the leading pro-life states in the nation.