Ark Encounters Resistance on One-year Anniversary

The Ark Encounter celebrated its first anniversary this month but instead of fanfare and praise, some news media and protestors poured rain on its parade. The Biblical theme park, which consists of a life-size replica of Noah's Ark based in Northern Kentucky,...

Handling Negative News

How do you handle bad news?  More specifically, how do you handle negative news?  According to a recent study at Harvard University in the first 100 days of Donald Trump's presidency, 80% of the stories in the mainstream media were negative. ...

Kentucky Lottery CEO Hopes Kentuckians Lose More

The Kentucky Lottery has a new CEO. His name is Tom Delacenserie, and his goal is to grow the Kentucky Lottery to  $1 billion. This is another way of saying, he wants Kentuckians to lose more money. We should be asking if its good policy for the state to be...

California Bans Travel to Kentucky

California recently added Kentucky to its travel ban. This is because California considers Kentucky's newly enacted Student Religious Freedom Act "discriminatory legislation" toward the homosexual community. It's ironic that California imposes a...

New Study Reveals Kentuckians Don’t Trust Media

Did you know that Kentucky ranks as one of the highest states in mistrusting the media?  A recent survey released by Secretary of State Alison Grimes says Kentucky ranks 48th in citizen’s confidence in the media. At the recent Kentucky Bar Association...

A Journalist Defines His Role

Sometimes answers to current problems can be found by looking to the past.  Bias, fake news, and an antagonistic spirit plague the modern American news media…known as the media elite. Journalists would be wise to look to the past for help. Walter Cronkite...

California Exports Intolerance

California recently added Kentucky to its list of states off-limits to state workers for nonessential travel. The move is in response to what it considers "discriminatory legislation" toward the LGBT community. At issue is Kentucky's enactment of SB 17,...

A More Perfect Union

The U.S. Constitution pursues “a more perfect union”. On July 5, 1852, former slave Frederick Douglass spoke to an anti-slavery group in Rochester, New York.  “What, to the American slave, is your Fourth of July?  I answer: a day that...

Celebrating Freedom

Today is the nation’s birthday. The Second Continental Congress met in Philadelphia in May 1776.  From that meeting, five men were chosen committee to draft a document that would declare the independence of a new nation. John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Roger...

An Exclusive Interview with Thomas Jefferson

What would Thomas Jefferson say if he were on a TV interview show today? Jefferson is well known as the primary author of the Declaration of Independence. According to, Jefferson once told an interviewer, “I saw my job as trying to bring together...

Good Citizenship and Public Discourse

Public discourse is breaking down today and it needs to be restored. We used to be able to dialogue and debate ideas without getting ugly. We can disagree on ideas. but  what we cannot disagree upon is that each person is valuable, that each person has inherent...

Does Civility have a Chance?

Have you ever been made to feel like you're the enemy? Well, I recently experienced this firsthand after sharing my concerns with the Shelby County Human Rights Commission over a proposed LGBT ordinance. Another person responded and said that law enforcement was...

Social Engineering in the Army

Members of the U.S. Army recently attended "transgender soldiers training," which prepared enlisted men and women to accept soldiers who are transitioning from one gender to another. Women were told that they should be prepared for biological men who...

Ky College Tuition Increases

Most of Kentucky's college-bound students are going to be shelling out more for tuition this year. That's because all but two of Kentucky's public universities increased tuition rates. This brings the average cost of a four-year degree in Kentucky to...

U of L Basketball Sanctions Imposed

U of L basketball coach Rick Pitino was suspended for five games this season as punishment for the scandal involving his basketball recruits. One of Pitino's assistant's hired strippers and prostitutes to lure new recruits to play for U of L. Pitino also...

Judge Strikes Down Ky Ethics Law

Judicial activism happens on both sides aisle. Case in point was a recent ruling by a federal judge who struck down Kentucky's legislative ethics law. It prevented lobbyists from donating to a candidates campaign. In fact, they couldn't even buy them lunch. It...

Lawsuit Seeks to Legalize Medical Marijuana

Kentucky is being sued over its ban on medical marijuana. The plaintiffs claim that their privacy rights are being violated and that they should be free of what they say is the "arbitrary power” of the state over their “lives, liberty and...

Play Depicting Trump as Caesar Stirs Controversy

The New York Public Theater is finding itself in hot water over its modernized version of Shakespeare's "Julius Caesar." This play opened to the public last week and it depicts Pres. Donald Trump as Caesar. But instead of a Roman robe, he's wearing a...

U of L Foundation Audit Damaging

Remember when the U of L Foundation board was reorganized last year? They were accused of operating under a cloud of secrecy, making risky and questionable investments and giving lavish pay to administrators and coaches. Well, a recently released audit reported in the...